Extreme Obliques Workout!
Extreme Obliques Workout!
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
Hey guys!
Currently at the airport about to take a flight to somewhere warm! Got here early (for once) and now I have time to blog. YAY!
Soooo here is your new Monday video! Extreme Obliques! Now this one is HARD!!! So I must pre-caution you that good form is EVERYTHING here. Let’s talk about the 2 moves you will be performing:
1. Hip Dips
The thing to watch out for on this one is the alignment of your body. It should be in one entire straight line.
Beginners: Elbow should be right underneath the shoulder. Knees should be stacked and on the same line as your elbow. Your whole body should be parallel to the edge of your mat. DO NOT stick your butt out! If you do this, you will not feel your obliques. As you go down, your obliques should stretch as you touch the floor with your hip.
In the advanced version (as seen in the video), again, make sure that your whole body is parallel to the mat. If you get tired, revert to beginners. Your shoulder may not feel strong enough to handle all the reps. It’s ok! It comes with practice!
2. Candlestick Dippers
In this move, I always see students bending towards the lengthened leg or they bend forward! Don’t do this!
Beginners: Bring your arms out like you’re a bird or an airplane. Then reach down to the side where your kneeling leg is and pull yourself back up. Make sure you’re extended leg is straight and that your foot is facing forward.
In the advanced version, I have my hands and arms up above my head. This creates more weight, and therefore makes it so much harder to come down to the side. If you cannot do this version while keeping your chest square forward, and you find yourself bending your chest to the floor, then don’t try to go so low! Or do the beginners until you are ready. Proper form is more important than how low you can go.
With the tips above, I know you will feel your obliques in all the right places. If you don’t, then pay very close attention to your alignment and you will find what’s going on. If you’re still confused, please leave a comment below!
Ah! Also! Special Valentine’s Week Sale for you!
Take advantage of our winter stock and grab all the sweaters, jackets, pants, and capris you want! They are all 20% off with code “bemine”. PLUS any orders over $50 (before tax + shipping) gets the 2015 Inspiration Wall Calendar! Here’s a peek at what’s inside.
Ok, it is about time to get on my flight! Thank goodness I have the aisle. I am one of those people who always gets up to go to the restroom because I drink a ton of water when I am traveling.
Have a magnanimous start to your week! GO HARD!!!!
37 thoughts on “Extreme Obliques Workout!”
There are 37 comments posted by our users.
Good topic, thank you for sharing this. Can’t wait to read more of your posts.
This workout is one of my favorites! I did it on Saturday and I am still hurting, but I feel so much stronger! Thank you, Cassey!
Really enjoyed the fitness workout and obliques are so often forgotten about. Thank you and enjoy your trip. Fitness is such a big part of my life and resources like this are so helpful.
Hello POPsters! I want to share something with you. A story about why I often wonder why I am even working out or eating healthy, why I want to achieve a good lifestyle, what it is worth and why I try to become a more positive person (meaning thinking more optimistic), why I struggle with myself and why I wonder how I can even like my body or myself. As a child in elementary school I was the first girl to grow female hips. In High School the girls in my class grew a chest while my upper body remained slim and my hips got broader and my butt bigger. Compared to the others I was different and they let me know this. I also didn’t care about fashion or make up – I still don’t. I hadn’t got friends in school for years. I had a best friend outside who told me I was pretty even know I had bad skin and was a bit chubby (strangly never on my chest or tummy, only in face and on lower body). I had a father who always tells me how proud he is of me, his beautiful, intelligent daughter. But I also have a mother… I love to draw since I was a kid and I loved to give my parents drawings as presents. As long as I can remember, my dad kept each drawing till today. As for my mother, after a few months or half a year, I would come home and see pictures I gave to her lying on my table. I used to cry silently at night for years. I remember that I prayed to my grandfathers that they please would come and take me with them. I wanted to die. Not only because I the girls in school didn’t want to be friends with me, not only because I had to take my presents back, but also because my mother often critized what I wore and how I looked. At the age of 16, after having the hardest time of my life when I was mobbed in school, I started going to the gym. This was also when my mother started to stay away from gym though beforehand she went there regularly. I didn’t find friends their either. If there are girls of my age they are in groups and whenever I greet them friendly, they give me looks like I said something really nasty to them. My mother gave me advice on how to make my butt and legs look more toned. Turned out they got even bigger and I had to buy new trousers and of course, the jeans I bought with my dad weren’t the ones she wanted me to wear. She only said that my behind looks silly in them. Through all the years, my upper body, though I grew something little that might be called breast, stayed very slim except for my naturally broad shoulders. Of course as teenager you don’t wear a size L if you are small. No matter what I wore, she didn’t like it. If we wanted to go for dinner, I had to change my wardrobe several times until I just begged her to pick something for me. She gave me all her old clothes which were, when I was 13, far too big for me and I looked like I for pyjamas for school. I used to buy shirts that fitted me and showed of my figure for some years. All sweaters and shirts I bought last year and recently are saggy and one or two seizes bigger than usually because I’m sick of hearing “If you wear thight shirts, your butt looks even fatter!” I can’t buy clothes I feel comfortable and beautiful in anymore. I only wear clothes were my figure is hidden and I try to avoid to look at myself or wear a bikini. Two years ago I found Casseys videos on YouTube and fell in love with her kindness, her smile and character. I thought if years of working out at the gym didn’t help me to achieve what I wanted, a nice booty and toned legs, maybe POPilates can. Before I started with my first real calender last year in January, I took photos to compare them now, after a year, to see if something changed. To be honest, I did believe that I saw change in the mirror after some weeks. I got more flexible, I smiled more and I stopped crying at night (also thanks to my boyfriend. I am very thankful for all his patience with me) and I became more comfortable with my body. Today I made a mistake. I showed my mother the photos cause I wanted her to see how proud I can be of the change. She didn’t see a change. She only mentioned that you can’t tell because I don’t wear the same underpant in the photos and she said that I look thicker now on my arms and hips although my saddlebags really slimmed down. I tried to tell her that there is a change to see. That my body got more toned, my butt lifted and my legs a bit slimmer in appearence. She only replied that it’s usless to talk with me about things like that because I simply don’t want to listen and understand that this is not the case, that my hard work didn’t pay off and that I weigh more now than a year ago and that the extra weight is also starting to make my tummy bigger. I swallowed a reply. I wished her a good night when she went to bed and I went take a shower. There I was recognizing that water ran down my cheeks. I had started to cry and for the first time in three years, because in the last years I had managed to overcome my depressions and to get stronger, I though about my lost family members and wished I was with them.She critized me every time. For my body, for my hair dyes or the length of my hair (she wishes I would wear it really short), for my drawings (if a posture isn’t right, which can happen), for spelling mistakes in my thesis, for my best friend (Yes, she didn’t like my best friend. I think she is happy that she moved away and we lost contact). I ask you, how can a girl whos mother told her for years that her body, especially her lower one, isn’t okay, grow self-esteem and love for herself? How can a girl not hate how she looks and wishing she was somebody else?
I hope you are not angry with me for sharing this. I wish that if I ever am a mother myself and have a daughter I don’t make the same mistake and can tell her all her life long how beautiful she is inside and outside. And I wish that the mothers of other daughters do a better job than mine and don’t hurt them in this way.
oh my goodness Kathy, your story nearly made me cry, I think it really shows the power of words, and how psychological damage can be so lasting. Not having met your mother, I don’t feel in a position to judge her, however I feel that it is great that you have shared your story, as I am sure that there will be lots of other girls out there in a similar position, looking for some encouragement. I am sure that if you become a mother, you will be so encouraging and loving, especially as you have managed to tell your story in such a controlled way. It is very sad that there have been so many people in your life that have told you that you aren’t good enough, however you still managed to get over your depression, which is incredible,
stay strong and beautiful x
Hey Kathy!
It’s great that you’ve managed to push through all the criticism and workout till you see visible results. I’m still trying to build that discipline myself.
Your mother probably subscribes to a certain standard of beauty, but honestly? We’re all built different. I’ll never have big boobs either (well, unless pregnancy does that to me when I eventually have kids), and honestly — I don’t see what the big deal is. Some people want to be a Barbie. Stick thin, except for boobs and butt. Others want to be curvy. Genetics also influences how we look. I think I look awful in mid-calf length skirts because my bones there are bigger. There’s no way to whittle that down.
You know she’s wrong. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. It’s more important to be healthy and fit than (for example) starve yourself into becoming your mother’s idea of perfect.
Don’t let her get you down. Keep up the work on your body for yourself (: Society’s standard of beauty fluctuates so much it’s silly trying to keep up with it. Just be the best you can be, for yourself!
P.S. For the record, I think you’d be a great mom one day, if you can think of this now. Treat yourself the way you’d treat your future daughter!
Yes please. If I could get everyone who is training their six-pack, doing crunches, to switch to these exercises, my work would be done. I’m a big fan of number one, but any effort to develop these muscles is appreciated. Our work in the gym has to reflect our real world work. The most common back injury people suffer is transverse movement. This helps, so you get a gold star for this blog.
OMG this is such a good workout. I was so sore that for two days afterwards I felt like I had taken a beating to my ribs!
Hi Cassey,
Recently I have received my detox water bottle and the lid broke already the threads came off the lid! It has only been a week since receiving it in the mail, I use it every day and now I am at a loss….what should I do?
Oh no! email info@ogorgeous.com!
Love the simplicity of just having 2 moves!! I had never seen the “speed bump” before and it was a lifesaver! My knee was so happy! In the first move I feel it in my arm and I think it’s just from holding up the weight of my body!
Enjoy the warmth!
Did someone say extreme obliques II? YES PLEASE! I want to see how many ways I can work out these tummy muscles. 😀 But for now, I’m doing this video till I can actually finish the workout. Those side planks are hard!
Thank you!!
I really want to train this part of my stomach so yess part 2!
Now I am just going to try to do these the hard way haha
Hey Cassey! I have a question. My one leg is slightly shorter than the other (doctor’s statement), just about a little less than an inch. You can’t tell when I’m standing up but I notice that it gives me lots of trouble with holding side planks, doing hip dips etc. Would love any advice you could give me on how to make this easier for me (I feel my obliques are strong enough to do advanced version, I just can’t get the pose right because of this). Thank you so much for being awesome, Cassey!
Hi Cassey,
I’ve had binge eating disorder for nearly 3 years. Although I will never have the ‘sexy abs’ or thigh gap, if one day I can be as successful, determined and bubbly as you, I will be happy. You’re an inspiration, and I do love doing you videos.
Lots of love!
Hey Cassey, just wanted to say I did this workout yesterday and man do I feel it today! Thanks!!!!
I did this workout on Monday and I am still sore!! Great video!! Thank you! =D
Me too! Ow!
hey Cassey! What shirt are you wearing in the video? It looks super cute and comfy.
Hey Cassey! I was just wondering if you had any workouts to get rid of the underarm flab? That is the hardest part for me to target right now! Thanks!
Hey Cassey! I have a problem when doing ab workouts! If my mat isn’t on carpet then it really hurts my tailbone. My whole house is wood flooring. I always have to keep swapping out a pillow and it’s so annoying! Is there anything I could use or get for cushioning my tailbone? Thank you!!! <3<3<3
Casey thanks for all the great videos!! Can’t wait to try this I know it will burn so good 🙂 Safe travels
I LOVE visible obliques! I am pregnant now, so I find it important to pay extra attention to my core. Can’t train my straight stomach muscles though, so these execises are perfect for me atm!
Hi Cassey!
I have a small question.You see. I’m sick.I’m not sure if I could practice.Whole body hurts and I have a fever.I am afraid that once again I will not get fat as practice.I’m asking you for advice Cassey, write me what you think, this is my e-mail.
Write me soon.
Tank you very much.
Mariola <3
this is my e-mail address.
Mariola <3
I love working my obliques, I think is one of my favorite body parts to work, but I always run out of new exercises, this video is great Cassey!
•The Health Blog for the Lazy Girl•
Tried this out today and it killed me but i love getting that soreness from a workout because then i feel like i have achieved something, thanks cassey!!!
I love these core moves! And I’m with you on the aisle seat — I always have to get up! Safe travels:)
safe travels!
Awesome! I actually just delved into this myself – I feel like obliques are a majorly undertrained and forgotten ab muscle, because most people focus on the rectus abdominus since that is the “six pack” muscle you can see. Since training obliques, my waist has much more of an indent. I will incoporate these moves too!
Latest Post: Spiral into Fit – I Spiralized Every Meal For a Day!
Follow me on instagram to keep track of my progess 🙂 Thank you so much cassey
I love the hip dips! Kill me every time and it feels great 🙂
Film an extreme cardio workout! 😀 The hardest workout you have is still the old Food baby HIIT workout. It gets me every time!
So after this Extreme Obliques workout I did the 6 Min to Sexy Abs video as per the calendar, and I felt my transverse abdominis were very tired halfway through that video. Normally that doesn’t happen. Does this mean that I didn’t do the Extreme Obliques moves correctly? Or is it normal they tire the transverse abdominis?
I want to know if my body was cheating and not using the obliques as much.
(Of course I do have the app because I’m sirius like that, but since I just clicked on the Youtube playlist when I started this morning I hadn’t noticed that the new video was part of today’s routine until later.)
Side planks work your entire core, the focus is on the obliques but it´s totally normal to feel the transversal abdominals as well. At least I did too 🙂 Great job!
Thanks for the videos, and have a safe flight!