Butt Vibrating Workout + POP Pilates Army LA!
Butt Vibrating Workout + POP Pilates Army LA!
Hey guys!
Hope you had a fantastic weekend! Mine was super intense and incredibly memorable.
I spent mine teaching the first ever POP Pilates Instructor Certification at the 24 Hour Fitness in West Hills, CA! To everyone who came out to my Masterclass, thank you so much! It was one of the best classes I’ve taught, thanks to your energy and well, my new music!! Played lots from Taylor’s 1989 album plus some of my pop faves.
Like my pants? It’s the Draw the Line Legging…with pockets! ♥
Now let’s talk about the training! It was my first time ever teaching a POP Pilates as course to Instructors. Wasn’t sure what to expect at all. But when I saw this pretty lady at the door, I knew everything would be fine 🙂
Guys, meet Beth! She is an original POPster from back in the day when my Facebook had like, 100 followers! She bought this (now vintage) “Muffintops are for Muffins Only” tank that was actually the first shirt I had EVER made! So cool to see her in real life.
We spent 8 hours on Sunday going over everything it meant to be a top notch Group Exercise Instructor while learning my new choreography from my POP 1 Line Up. This will be the choreography you’ll see in classes beginning in early 2015 in select clubs!
I met so many cool ladies this weekend…from girls looking for a career change to women who were already seasoned superstar instructors…the spectrum was wide, but everyone was so supportive. Egos left at the door. Only positive vibes.
I’ve been to many trainings before as a student and I’ve never felt this type of community before. People usually want to get in then get out as quick as possible. It was almost weird and unreal to me. I kept thinking to myself…when are they going to get bored and start showing signs of “I wanna leave.” Well, I didn’t even feel that once. I was so impressed by everyone’s enthusiasm and genuine love for their students. Of course as a teacher trainer, there are things I will always want to work on to improve the training session, but as far as the experience was, I couldn’t have asked for better! Also need to thank the awesome Sarah from NAFC (she’s in the blue in the front) for being my amazing partner in crime! But not really crime. Eh, you know what I mean. You’ll get to meet her if you’re getting certified.
There were lots of surprise treats and swag bags along the way that I won’t show, because for anyone showing up to the training, well, you’ll just have to be surprised like how POP Army LA was 🙂
And yes, I think I will unofficially call the POP Pilates Instructor team my POP Army.
We are at the front lines of breathing LIFE and FUN back into Pilates in a huge gym setting. I’ve been so blessed to be given this opportunity to share POP Pilates with you and everyone who may not have watched my YouTube videos before. I’m going to make sure this program is as successful as it can be. I will work my butt off every night to make sure all my instructors are happy with the choreography, my students are happy with their results, and that the whole POP Pilates experience makes YOU happy. Because that’s what exercise should do! It should bring JOY into your life.
It still blows my mind that this is actually happening. POP Pilates at 24 Hour Fitness in REAL LIFE!? Maybe I’m lucky, but luck is the intersection of hard work and opportunity. That’s what Oprah said anyway 😉
New York – I’m coming at you at November 15th and 16th! If you want to get certified, go HERE to get more info. 24 Hour will be looking for POP Pilates instructors to hire as we want to roll this program out quickly! And yes, International instructors, you can get certified too!
For those of you in the NYC area wondering if I am going to have a meetup, I will be having a Masterclass at a 24 Hour Fitness in Manhattan on Saturday and one in Nanuet on Sunday. I’ll share more deets soon!
FINALLY! First new video of #MOVEmber! Check it…
Guys, this butt workout (it’s only 6 min long first of all) left my BOOTY VIBRATING for 10 min afterwards. I actually snapchatted the video of the involuntary shaking when it happened. It was so funny. I just had to.
Okie dokie – well hope you have a fantastic start to your week! Are you enjoying the extra hour my US POPsters? Kinda nice huh? ‘Cept that it gets so dark so darn early!!!
<3 Cassey
PS – The #8weekhotbody Challenge starts one week from today! Did you get your Fit Journal and Meal Guide yet? I hope so. We’re shipping like CRAZY to make sure you get your journal in time, so hop on and join the challenge! The private community has been super awesome and supportive. Also be sure to print out your #MOVEmber Workout Calendar! It’s free. Just sign up for my newsletter and I will email the secret password to you.
♥ Click to get your Fit Journal & Meal Guide ♥
You guys rock so much you don’t even know. I love you!!
19 thoughts on “Butt Vibrating Workout + POP Pilates Army LA!”
There are 19 comments posted by our users.
I love your blog and everything you do. It has really inspired me to be healthy.
I bought both the meal plan and the Fit Journal, but only the Fit Journal came! I was really excited to start today, but now I don’t know what foods to make or buy. How can I fix this?! Thanks!
GREAT booty workout!!! I especially likes the 1st and 2nd moves the best. You had me LOL with the “booty spectrum of life” comment – you are a great instructor and make the workouts fun, and that is why you are the best 🙂
GREAT booty workout!! I loved the first and second moves the best. and you made me LOL with the “booty spectrum of life” – you are a great instructor who makes the workouts fun, which is why you are the best 🙂
I nominated you for a blog award.
Check it out 🙂
i love the muffin top!! i want to buy it in white and pink and lime!! 😀
Cute new video, did it right before my lingerie shoot 😀
I wish this was in the UK, it looks so much fun!!! Well done with all you have done Cassey, it shows how positive and determined you are!!
“I will work my butt off every night to make sure all my instructors are happy […]” Nooooo Cassey, you will work your butt off every DAY! You need to sleep, remember? 😉
Just kidding 😀
Congratulations, that looks like A LOT of fun and I’m pretty jealous that we don’t have POP Pilates here in Germany. But well, your videos are great as well 🙂 :*
Beth teaches at my 24 hour – I hope that means that NoHo will host POP Pilates!! I’m teaching P.E. this year and my girls LOVE your videos. I do too because I get to workout with them. Thank you! So happy for your success. I can’t wait to take classes at 24 hour!!
What is the private community?
I’m so proud to be a part of this community! I just love to see how far its come since the very first youtube videos. The store, the app, the clothing line, just everything that you do is so amazing and inspirational. I think its so wonderful that so many women can come together and support eachother in this way. I really miss my.blogilates because of that reason, hopefully you have something similar in the works! 🙂
It’s so cool how successful you have been! 🙂
you deserve every little success you have made! you are such an inspiring, positive person and even though I’ve never met you, I can tell that you have a lot of personality! you inspired me to recover from my ed, and get fit! I ordered my fitjournal and am soo excited to start the challenge on monday! I just wanted you to know that you are my idol, and that you have made my life happy and nice! thank you <3 keep going (:
oups sorry my iPad is kind of messing with me ^-^ that’s why I’ve posted two comments 😉
you deserve every little success you have! you are such an inspiring, positive person and even though I’ve never met you, I can tell that you have a lot of personality! you inspired me to recover from my ed, and get fit! I ordered my fitjournal and am soo excited to start the challenge on monday! I just wanted you to know that you are my idol, and that you have made my life happy and nice! thank you <3 keep going (:
Oh Cassey, I’m super proud of you! You deserve all the success you have right now, because you’ve inspired so many of us from all over the world to work out, not just to look good but more importantly, to feel good and happy. Your videos always make me smile, especially this new one (the end ‘pose’ had me giggling). I’m miles and oceans away but it’s my goal to be able to attend one of your meet-ups one day. Thank you, and congratulations again!
Cassey, a belated congratulations to you again :)!!
Great to see such a great group of positive ladies. And awesome video 🙂
I was a follower back in the day too, Cassey! Lovely to see how far you’ve come. I tried the butt workout nice and early thing morning and I’m so glad I did because it made me feel ~more confident~ the rest of the day!