Are You Ready For Your Hot Girl Summer Sculpt?!
Hey guys!
Welcome to your #HotGirlSummerSculpt!
This is your official 14-day guide. To build strength, to fuel your body, and to TRANSFORM in more ways than you might think. The work we put in together will sculpt your body on the outside, buuuuuut the work doesn’t stop there.
This transformation is going to be about so much more than just fitness. It’s going to be about rediscovering and growing your confidence too! Because guess what? You are ALREADY a hot girl. And it’s time to let her shine.
This program includes a special 14-day workout program AND something I’ve never done in a summer sculpt program before – A MEAL PLAN!!!!
You ready?! Let’s check out the Hot Girl Summer Sculpt!!
Download Your Hot Girl Summer Sculpt Program!
Download this NOW so you’re ready to get started! This has your checklist to prepare, your workouts, and your meal plan. Everything you need for the next two weeks!!
Your Hot Girl Summer Sculpt Workouts
When you download the PDF, you’ll find your 14-day workout calendar. You can find all of the videos you need in the BODY By Blogilates app (free)! We’ll target different muscle groups each day, with one “rest” day where we do a Hot Girl Power Walk. I am sooo excited for this! You can find all of the details in your calendar.
How long is each day? You’ll be committing to 30 minutes of exercise every single day! And don’t worry, I have all the workouts ready to go for you!
Your Meal Plan
When you download the pdf, you’ll also find a two-week meal plan.
Each day, you’ll have recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. And guess what?! These meals came directly from my 90 Day Journey Omnivore Meal Plan, which is Registered Dietitian approved! They’re all gluten-free, dairy-free, and added sugar-free, AND filling and delicious. The recipes are super simple and meal prep-friendly. Oh and I included a grocery list to make things even easier for you!
Of course, this meal plan is just a suggestion. It’s there to guide you with nutrition that will give you energy, debloat your belly, support fat loss, and fuel your workouts. If you have different energy needs or dietary preferences, PLEASE make any changes necessary!
If you want to continue the meal plan after the 14 days, you can get the entire 90-day Journey Meal Plans HERE! Aaaaand we have them in Vegetarian, Vegan, and Pescatarian, too!
Here’s a taste of the meal plan 😉
This Is Gonna Be The Best Summer EVER!
I am soooo excited for this!
Make sure you download your guide now, so you have plenty of time to read it over, head to the grocery store, plan that first day’s workout outfit, AND pump yourself up for an AMAZING summer kickoff.
OH! And don’t forget to tag #hotgirlsummersculpt and @blogilates because I WANT TO SEE EVERYTHING! Your sweaty selfies, your meals, your progress. All of it!
Tell me YOU’RE IN, in the comments with your Hot Girl Summer Sculpt goals! YAAAAAAY let’s do it!
381 thoughts on “Are You Ready For Your Hot Girl Summer Sculpt?!”
There are 381 comments posted by our users.
I’m in this summer
I’m in!!
I’m in this summer
ı want this program
Thank you for the article! I have studied about similar subjects! Unlike other submissions, however, I have a very unique impression of yours. I hope you will continue to share articles of this caliber with the public.
Im in
Oh hey Cassie, it might be a little late but please let me know if I can still get it thanks 💞
I’m in! Thank you for the great recipes and schedule. Very helpful!
Have you ever thought of making a cook book? You make soooooooo many great recipes. It would be nice to have them in one place 🙂
I’m in! Have fun and don’t oven work yourselves! <3
I simply press play on fnf mods and allow myself to be motivated by you, so there’s no need for me to make plans or make decisions about my day.
A friend referred me to your exercise website. And since I want that same transformation, I’m in!!! I’m ready to give it my all and get results! I’m very realistic, I don’t expect an overnight change, but I do believe in consistency.
I’m in!!! Good luck everyone else! <3
im in
Hi Cassey, I’m 13 yo and I really want to do this to be beautifull like you. Is it safe to me to do them. PS: I dont have medical issues
I love this challenge! My life is so busy right now, I am beyond excited to be able to follow along with such a great workout plan. I don’t have to think about or plan my day, I just hit play on YouTube and let myself be inspired by you .
This workout is so effective. I wanna lose some weights and flying to the beach.
I am in.
Hi, how can I put your videos in another device to watch them ?
Hi Cassey, I was just wondering, can we start this anytime of the month/year, or does it have to be during the Summer?
You can start whenever, as I just started a few days ago and it’s September. I think there was just a large group doing it together at the beginning of summer.
hi cassey, with the next challenge or with whatever plan you have next, you should publish an ab workout that DOESN’T include obliques, for those who want a curvier/hourglass figure x I’m going to follow this whole 2 week sculpt, just an idea for the next challenge x
I have the same goal! Cassie, if you could make an abb workout without the Obliques for a more hourglass effect that would be so appreciated 🙂
Cassey, I am a vegetarian. Can your meal plans include recipes for vegetarians and vegans? I started the hot girl summer sculpt after the challenge got over….I got 3 days in, my body is sore but in a good way, I also cannot keep up with you on all the exercises, hopefully I will get better in the 2nd week. Thank you.
Yes! There are vegetarian/vegan subs in that PDF and also I have a full vegetarian meal plan here:
What can you sub for the tuna and the salmon…i do not like seafood
use chicken or turkey. Lean proteins is the key, she probably added the seafood just as some added variety.
I feel so good after the 14 day challenge! While I didn’t really lose weight (maybe 1 lb) I definitely feel stronger and look more toned based on my before and after pics! My husband and I enjoyed the healthy meals as well! The turkey chili was our favorite.
Done! Thanks, Cassey @blogilates #hotgirlsummersculpt I can’t mark my IG page public bc I have a stalker from yrs ago who has been trying to follow me there. 😒☹
Was a blast! Lost 2 lbs. Toned waist & legs. Slept great! All by doing the workouts, drinking water, eating clean, small portions, getting rest. @blogilates #hotgirlsummersculpt
Hey Cassey, I’m a bit late to the party for the Hot Girl Summer Sculpt Challenge, but I’m gonna start it tomorrow and just go for it! I downloaded the app today, but I’m having a bit of trouble pre downloading the workout videos. Is there anything I can do?
I’m in! Lovin the workouts, esp the legs and butt!!
Hey Cassey, I am not a huge fan of canned Tuna. What can I use to replace in the recipes? Thank you!
I juts saw this and I’m new to this site ill try to keep up. I am so excited!!!
Hi Cassey, I am a big fan of your workouts and am midway through the HotGirl Summer Sculpt. I have been following the meal plan and loved it. It’s what convinced me to purchase your 30 days meal plan to keep the momentum going. However I was rather disappointed to realise it comprises only of 6 recipes per meal, 3 of which were already part of this Summer program. I’m based in Malaysia so it costed about MYR 115 to purchase. But if I now want more recipes and move to the 90 days meal plan it is another RM 250 which is so steep. Is there anything you could help me with on this please?
HI Cassey!
I’m late to the party, but I’ll just start my own summer sculpt tomorrow and still go the whole 2 weeks. I’m especially excited for the meal plan- I used to eat super healthy but have fallen off the wagon and I think this program is a great way to get back into it! However, I have a really strong food aversion to bananas. Do you have any suggestions for substitutions?
I’ve lost 6 pounds already and it’s only say 7!!! Thank you!!! I love the workouts! And the meals!!! Besides one I didn’t care for the banana pancakes. It felt amazing to go out for a power walk/run this morning without my kids lol. I felt weightless on that run.
When do you eat the snacks? 1 after lunch and than dinner?
Hi Cassey! I am a big fan of yours and really follow your exercises . I need your help in how to cope with weight loss for people like me who have hypo thyroid . I am feeling depressed that I don’t see changes in myself like the way I expect them to be. Don’t know what to do and how to go about it.
Hello , suddenly your may 1st and 2nd workout is vanished from youtube as I can’t see them now.
Am I the only one who find those portions too big? I thought I’m much more of an eater, but I just struggle to finish these dinners and lunches. It seems too much for me. Is it bad?
Why is the video on day 3 freezing after 30 seconds? Nothing I do helps. Just great on a day I already feel like not working out…
things i’ve learned so far this week –
1. bought a spiralizer – OMG zoodles are DELICIOUS!!!
2. coconut yogurt – who knew?
3. hemp seeds -weird but good!
4. Monk Fruit syrup – wow! this is a game changer!
i’m an old gal (60 yrs) so a lot of this is new to me.
THANK YOU CASSEY for making the meal plan EASY, FRESH, DOABLE and YUMMY!
P.S. i’m pretty fit, but already lost one pound!
hahaha I LOVE THIS!
Hello! I just had a quick question about the arm workout. So I currently play a musical instrument (viola) for about three hours every day. I found that in the past, when I did arm workouts, my arms ended up being extremely sore, to the point where I was kind of concerned that I injured them. After that, I backed off the arm workouts. Should I try to build up some sort “workout tolerance” by exercising my arms? The thing is that viola playing isn’t a complete arm workout (at least I don’t think so) so I’m not fully toning my arms. But then again, I don’t want to strain my muscles too much. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Dear Cassey,
I just finished my first day of the summer sculpt and unfortunately my gut doesn’t seem to be liking the diet so far. I felt bloated and kinda queasy after lunch and wasn’t able to eat much for dinner. Is this normal when changing diets and will it get better? I’m not used to eating this much protein and vegetables.
I’m in!!!
I just so this so late, but for sure i start tomorrow. I LOVE HER WORKOUTS.
Thnaks for doing this
My goal is to find out if I need to change my diet! Can you please advise by the way whether you would recommend subbing in plant-based meat alternatives, if gluten-free and sugar-free but not sodium-free? Thanks!
(PS – you can disregard this comment – i wasn’t sure if my initial one was lost! sorry for the duplicate, though this is basically the tl;dr version!)
Hi Cassey, thank you for doing this! Questions: if I am working out multiple times a day already (in addition to this summer sculpt challenge, i also do BURN/BTES by Rebecca Louise and 8fit daily workouts and any lives or challenges going on), but otherwise fairly sedentary (desk job 9am to 6pmish), should i have a higher protein count than indicated by the summer sculpt meal plans? i think i normally try to take in at least 94 grams of protein per day, so i think should be fine, but wanted to ask especially since i also take in around 1700 to 1800 cals per day, whereas with summer sculpt it’s of course slightly more. Also – have you heard of meatless farm co? i tried subbing their grounds for the turkey in today’s lunch (i’m pescatarian) and i used low-sodium taco seasoning; is that consistent with your recs, or should i have made some sort of seasoning from scratch without salt and just used tofu (i ordinarily do not add salt or sugar to ANYTHING, and i don’t drink any soft drinks, just water. i also usually avoid processed food, but made an exception to try these grounds since seemed like would work well with your recipe, and they’re gluten free). A large amount of my protein by the way comes from 2% fat greek yogurt by Fage, or cottage cheese, and lactose-free cheddar cheese. But since i consistently feel like i’m bloated, i figured worth giving your 2-week challenge a try to see if maybe, unfortunately, lactose is indeed the issue. i’ve also suspected fat could be the problem, and try to eat recipes from 8fit’s meal plan that are high protein and carbs (always whole grains, etc.) but low in fat; so curious to see how the higher fat/slightly lower protein but dairy-free recipes for this challenge will affect me – will let you know for sure! 🙂
Thanks again, and I also appreciate your taking the time to read this!
To be honest I’m little confused by the amount of fat in this diet and there isn’t very much protein involved. How does this slim down when its mostly fat?
It’s mostly Fat but it’s “”good Fat” so your body turns it energy and burns off the “bad fat you have in your body at the moment and that’s how you will lose weight
I if I know I won’t have time to do a workout one day. can I do 2 days worth of workouts in one day??
Thank You!
Is the challenge free on the app? It looks like it but when I click to start it goes to the 7-day free trial page.
I took April off because I was moving and everything but I con’t wait to get back into it and what better way that to start of with our Hot Girl Summer Sculpt!
GREAT timing!!!
Hi Cassey, I wanted to ask you about the recepes that are in this challenge. I am from Europe and we have different units of measure so I had to convert them but when I did there is so much food and I feel like thats not right so I just wanted to ask if it is for all three day that you are supposed to eat that exact food or am I just doing something wrong?
PS: sorry if something is not correct, english is not my native language
Yes, I am in
I’m readyyy!
lets gooooooo!!!!!
WIll you also post the videos on your website? I don’t have access to my phone right now.
Everything is on Youtube as well!
I am in!!!
I am IN and totally excited🙏❤💪 I am from the Czech Republic and I totally love your workouts and all your videos. Thank you for this amazing opportunity for summer.
sooo ready ! thank you Cassey !
I’m in 🔥🔥🔥
Hi Cassie, i can’t see the videos for this program on the app? are they not loaded yet?
I’m in! Can’t wait!
Looking forward to the Hot Girl Summer Sculpt with my daughters!!
I’m in! I’m super excited to stay consistent with this program. I love the hot girl power walk idea too! 🙂
I’m so excited to start this journey with everyone good luck guys! we got this! My goal is to feel confident and stay committed with myself during this Hot Girl Summer, that way when summer comes I can be happy and confident again!
Cassey! I am so excited. I got my sister to be my buddy!
Hey Cassey, thanks for another amazing sounding challenge – the meal plan on top sounds like a real game changer! I am a vegetarian though so I’ve been wondering what foods would be best to replace both the meat and the fish in the recipes? Just so not to jeopardise the results too much. Thank you for being such an inspiration!!
There are vegetarian subs at the end of the PDF!
So excited and so nervous 😂
Super excited to get started with this hot girl summer sculpt! I love your workouts and your energy and have recommended you to my friends. Let’s get it!
I’m in
I’m in from Stockholm Sweden! Can’t wait! 💪🏻
I’m ready!!
I’m super excited to begin this program!
However I am having a hard time to adapt the recipes as I am allergic to nuts! For nut milks I know what to do, but I am not used to replace nut butters (I usually avoid the recipes using them!).
Could you give me some suggestions please?
Thank you for working so hard for us and making us work hard!
I would try gluten free oat milk or coconut milk, that should be a suitable replacement 🙂
Is the coconut yogurt on the shopping list supposed to be dairy free? Just wondering what to buy! I’m super excited, thanks Cassey!
I am sooo sooo ready for this. IT’S ON!
I am so excited for this, lots of love from Switzerland!
First time trying one of your challenges seems easy and exciting lets do this 💪🏋️♀️
I’m really excited about this challenge! Currently trying to get into shape after surviving the ICU and having to stay home to recover for many months. Also recovering from an eating disorder that I had since I was very young. I’m really glad to have this chance to heal on every level. Thank you Cassey!^^
I am soo excited to do this challenge. Its autumn in South Africa and I am preganant but I am down to do thid challenge not to loose weight but just to feel all kinds of #HotMama.
Super excited!
My mom, My sister, and myself are all in! we are a bit nervous as we are not the most disciplined but we are going to try our hardest and make it work! 🙂
I’m definitely in!
Iam readyyyy🥳🥳 Cassey You are best
do i look for these videos on youtube typing the name of the video of the day?
So excited to get fit and feed my body well!
This is great! I started my 90 day Journey in March and I think following this meal plan will help me out a lot! I’ve lost 5 pounds so far and am really happy! 2 weeks ago my work got tough, and I was too tired to workout, and that resulted in a plateau. I think this will help me jump start my motivation again 🙂
I can’t wait Cassey. Really ready for joining the program but one thing is there I don’t eat eggs and quinoa. Can I take oats .
I have a question for the meal plan please: I usually drink my vega one protein shake. Should I be replacing a meal or a snack with it? Or skip it for the next two weeks? Nervous to start, thus should be interesting. 💪😊
usually never the one to commit, but i’m sooo excited for this !! #ImReady #Letsgo
Very excited for it really !
I am so excited
oh Cassie. i cant wait. thanku so much for this chance. love you♥️
oh Cassie. i cant wait. thanku so much this chance. love you♥️
I’m so readyyyy!
Dear Cassey,
I LOOOVE your youtube recipe movies ! They make me happy no matter what mood I am in. They are so cheerfully colored ! Thank you for sharing with me this program ! I wold like to ask you about the omnivorous meal plan how many days per week have meat and fish. The same question for the pescatarian meal plan too.
As a complete beginner, is this going to kill me?
If you are in a hostel,(basically you eat what you get),how can you manage eating healthy?
I’m sooo in.. been doing your YouTube videos for years. Can’t wait to get #hotgirlsummer ready!
im super ready for thisss
Can’t wait!!!!
Can’t wait Cassie I love your You Tube Channel. I’m living in Ireland and love your challenges and workouts. Thank you so much keep smashing it as you keep me moving!
I’m readyyyy
Do we need any equipment like dumbells, blocks…
We use dumbbells and booty bands but you will also be okay if you don’t have those!
Yes im in to work my thighs and abs…
I’m in!!
I’m so excited!
I’m excited! If I also continue my daily gym workouts should I up the meal quantity?
I’m in
2 weeks I can do! I’m in!! Love from Japan
I’m really looking forward to doing this! In the past I haven’t always been able to stick to a plan, but this time I’m determined to do it.
Just a question: when will the first video be posted on YouTube? I’m asking since I live in South Africa. I like working out in the mornings but 07:30 in the morning here is 22:30 the previous evening in Los Angeles.
Hi Lizelle had a similar question in mind.
Hi fellow Saffa- I live in Australia and we are ahead of you and the US and I did my workout at 6am this morning so I know its up on the site. Happy training!
Let’s get it!!!
I’m in!
I finish up PIIT 1.0 round 2 on Sunday, and plan on jumping right into this on Monday before moving on to 2.0! My sister who lives across the world in Vietnam is going to be my accountability partner! We’re ready!
WOW so cool!!!!
So excited!
I’m all in!
i’m in from Italy! so excited to start again with you Cassey! xxx
hi Cassey, Im so in!! Do these videos include stretches after the workout?
I can’t wait!!!!
I’m in! Thank you kindly for this!! Looking forward to this #whoopwhoop
Hey, Cassey!
April was the first time I worked fully through one of your workout calendars, and I felt like so much has changed in just the 30 days I have committed myself to the workouts. I definitely became stronger, and am looking more lean and toned. Can’t wait to start the next calendar (and new challenge!)!
Speaking of which, is the 14 day Summer Sculpt integrated into the May workout calendar? In other words, does this mean that I only need to follow one of them (and they would be the same workouts), rather than do both on the same days?
Thank you so much! (And sorry if my comment is a bit long, you’re someone I really look up to :D)
YAY! And yes, they are the same workouts!
I’m in
I’m in!
Hi Cassey! First of all I want to thank you for helping so many men and women around the world to appreciate themselves and their body. My daughter and I are big fans, not only of blogilates but your blogicomics 😂. My daughter is 12 years old but I am not sure if it is safe for her to do this challenge. Could you please let me know if it is okay for her to take on the hot girl summer sculpt?
P.S. I’m in!!!!
i’m in! are coffee/tea ok, i didn’t see anything about beverages, maybe i missed it (sorry)!
For the Mug cake, I want to use stevia instead of monk fruit. How much should I use? According to my jar of Truvia, 1 tbsp. of stevia is equivalent to 1/4 cup of sugar. That sounds like a lot to me. How much stevia do you think I should use?
OMG how good is it planned, I always wanted someone to publish something like this because working out is cool and fun but how do I feed my body right and there is nobody who can give you the right answer to that, I am so so grateful that you do this for us and for free too. And May 3 is such a good time, because I have homeschool again, means my lazy butt will stay home for about 2 months 🙂
Totally in
I’m in! Wondering if there is a printer friendly option available? I want to print the calendar and recipes/lists but omg the ink from all of those pretty backgrounds! Even in B&W it will be a bunch of black for the background images/colors.
I’m in!!!
I’m in! From Portugal!
Is starting a little later a possibility? I’m struggling with a shoulder injury and doctor’s orders I have to take a break for a week till 7th of May. Can I start on 10th? Is there a time limit for this challange? Because I’m so excited to do it and can’t wait to be able to start!
You can start whenever you are able to! This will always be here!
Ahhhh!!! I’m SOOO excited😁
My mom and I are doing this!!
I´m In!! From México!
I am totally in and just extremely excited! Can’t wait to see the results!
INNN, watching the meal plan got me so hungryy 😀 xo
Yay!!! Super excited!!! Thanks to my husband for sharing this with me! Or was he trying to hint about something? Hahah 😁 he knows I’ve been trying to lose weight after having our kids. It’s been difficult for me.. I am needing to lose my belly fat. I follow you on YouTube and love it
I started working out April 2020 during lockdown and I’ve never felt stronger. Working out and finishing those workouts is a serotonin boost for sure
EXCITED TO TRY THIS. LETS GOO. ❤️❤️ Btw I don’t really know where to find coconut yogurt, hemp seeds, cocoa nibs, and plantain chips at??
I’M SO PUMPED!!! My daughter and I have been slowly trying to work out together, and this is the perfect opportunity for us to motivate each other to do it daily. So excited, thank you for this program!
I am in!! I’ve gained weight last year and been unmotivated but I think this is the kick to start over again.
Do we have to start May 3rd or can we start the week after? Will the videos disappear?
You can start after but I highly recommend doing it together with all of us!
I am so excited, even though i am a bit scared of the mealplan…i am always hungry :(…does anyone have an idea how to deal best with this? What Schall i do when I am hungry inbetween jemals?
I am opposite from you – I am not a snacker and I prefer 2 big meals 5-6 hours in between and maybe an optional light supper in the evening… But I am not trying to brag here. Even someone like me, if I am at home on a day off and I have nothing to do, I find myself constantly reaching out for snacks even though I am not hungry. So what I’m saying is, maybe you’re not hungry, just bored? Busy yourself. Find something to do so you don’t have time to snack. Works for me every time. Luckily, I am super busy at work so I end up eating less, while on my days off I eat more so it evens out. Find a balance that works for you.
For about 10 years now I’ve had meal alarm on my cell phone set for every 2 hrs from 7a until 5p. I work in a hospital 3p-11p sometimes double shift and double back shift (I leave at 1130p and come back at 5:30a). Along with 5 days of meal prepping, I stay pretty full. Hope this helps.
Maybe eating more of the snacks that are available each day can help. 🙂
if you’re still hungry you need more protein. have you tried any protein shakes? my fave is Bloom Supplements and they are no carb, no added sugars. i usually have 8oz of water with one scoop of protein and a banana or a cinnamon rice cake. hope that helps.
I wish all the girls the best of luck! I am a very picky eater but I will try some things. Just not bananas.
I am allergic to banana, avocado, pine nuts, etc I have been replacing banana with organic no added sugar canned pumpkin or sweet potatoes in recipes for all the years I’ve been following Cassey and it works great for me. Try making something simple like fruit smoothie and sub in the sweet potato or pumpkin and see if you like. Hope this helps.
I’m in and so excited for this
im in!!!!!!!!!! excited to see and feel results
I’m in
This is gonna be soo fun !!!!!
I am so excited, I’ve had a roughed painful 2 years and I feel is time to put myself first and do this for my self esteem and confidence I have lost! #hotgirlsummersculpt
Yes i have taken the challenge.And i am really excited!!! Hope for something better..I also follow your monthly routine..You are Amazing!!
I’m in!!!!!
I’M IN !! I can’t wait to start a new routine !! It’s great for my budget and a great start for May !! 😀
I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! Just going to read the PDF now!
I’m so ready for this challenge and to get back into my blogilates routine. Plus, the recipes look amazing, and the boyfriend is just going to have to deal with the new menu 😀 I’m excited about the power walk; I’m making my music playlist right now. You continue to inspire me into becoming a better version of myself!
Thank you for everything you do, Cassey!
I am in!!!! Can’t wait to start 🙂
I am so excited to do this but I think the meal plan will have to be adjusted alot for my budget and vegetarian diet!! Not to worry though I know I can do it
I’M IN! I’m so excited for summer, and I love me a new routine 🥰
Hell yeah.. Love youuu
Will the videos be on YT too? I have the app but it’s easier for me sometimes to use YT and watch the videos on bigger screen. In app, videos sometimes don’t want to work in full screen 🙁 at least on my phone
Im in! So excited!! 14 days!! COME ON!
SOOOO EXCITED hot girl summer here we come!!!
I’m in!!! Finishing up the April calendar and ready for this next challenge while I regain strength and sculpt after my twin pregnancy!!
Can’t wait !!! 🙂
Hi Cassey! So excited to get back to working out with you again after slacking off for years. I can’t wait to start this program and feel good again!
I am so happy, cant wait 😍😍😍 thank you Cassey💓💓💓
I am so happy, cant wait 😍😍😍 thank you Cassy 💓💓💓
I am so happy, cant wait 😍😍😍 thank you Cassy 💓💓💓
I’M IN!!!
I try to meal prep. Can the meals you have on challenged be recycled? For example, eat the same thing on one day and the next?
I’m in!
Thank you very much for this Cassey! I’m soo excited!
I’m in and I’m going to commit to working on me and my confidence!!! Thank you so much for this!!
I’m in! I’ve been suffering from sciatica for the last few weeks, managing it with pain meds. Hopefully working out and adapting it a bit also will help.
This is going to be amazing 🙂
Hey Casey! I was just wondering, what is the best time everyday to work out that will be most effective? Please let me know! Thank you!! 🙂
Hi! I am new to all of this, would it be okay to do everything but not do dinners for the meal plan? I am asking this because I am not the one who cooks the dinners.
I’m sooo in. I’m so excited to do this hot girl summer body and loving my self 🥰💋🤍
What is a good substitute for Cocoa nibs??
So so excited!! I’ll be documenting my progress and making sure I stay on track over on my Instagram @lauren_seestheworld so if anyone wants to make like an accountability group on Instagram send me a dm!💖
Super excited for the challenge, Giving it my all!
Thank you sooo much Cassey for this amazing opportunity!!
Thank you so much for your generosity. I am so exited to start this challenge. I love all your workout. 😍😍😍😍
Thank you Cassey for doing this.
I’m so exited to start this challenge:)
I am so in. Thank you so much for doing this to all of us around the world. Your the BEST 🤩
Love your exuberance! Let’s do this!
So so excited and I was waiting for something like this! Thank you so much for this ☺️
Good timing!!!! 🙂
I’m in!!!
Definitely INNN
i have fractured my back and doctor has asked me to go for complete bed rest .. I hope i get well before 3rd may to start this amazing 14 day journey of transformation..
I am so in!! This is perfect timing I’m getting married in July and I got the perfect wedding dress just needs a few alterations and my alteration day is the day after we finish the summer sculpt!!
I’m so excited 🙂
I can’t wait!!! my mom and I are doing it together!!!
So ready!
I have a few questions. Are some of these workouts already on her YT channel? And will she post a playlist with the videos or do we 100% have to get the app to do this?
I can’t say next time, THIS time I will commit to the challenge. Hopefully, it pans out.
Doing this challenge with my daughter and gonna get a few friends on board as well.
Saw this on tiktok and I’m sooo excited
Hey I am new to doing something like this but I am so excited. My mom and I have been craving to look for programs and meal plans to get our health back on track, but we were never sure on where and who to start with. I have been following blogilates for years now and I am so excited to be doing this with my mom! Thank you so much Cassey!
Thank you so much for doing this program encouraging all of us! I am so glad I found out before you started. Yes, let’s do this!
So excited to be starting this!!! I need to look good for my wedding!
I’m glad I found your Instagram and started following along.
I’m in and I am going to honor myself by committing to the 14 days fully with NO excuses!
YES I love this!!!!!
Yay! I’m in, i can’t wait 🥰
Hi Cassey! I’m so excited to start this challenge! If I want to build muscle but don’t own any weights, are there any alternatives you would recommend? I have a lot of cans of tomatoes I could try 😂
Canned food, filled water bottles, etc. all work!
Hi Casey. Just want to say thank you for all your workouts. I follow you on Fiton, Blogilates and Instagram. I did the 21 day and loved it. Did send you my results don’t know if you received them but cant wait to do this hot girl summer sculpt. I am all the way from South Africa. Thanks again
I am so excited 😆
I am super excited and hope to see the results ! Yes!
I’M IN!!! Will be joining #hotgirlsummersculpt from 🇯🇵 So excited 🥰
I am a beginner, I hope I am able to follow the workouts :O
I`m in! I watch your videos on YT and I will try it. You are a super ideal. I do my best this two weeks!
I’m in! Cannot wait 🙂
I’m IN!!! Trying to perfect my pushups before summer!
this is so unimportant but i’m curious if your water bottles will be back in stock before we start? :):)
slash IM IN hahah // my goal is to simply, re-start a fitness routine, as i’ve been traveling a lot lately.
Of course I’m in😁😁. Hot girl body sculpt programme will boost me to change myself into my more better version
I truly appreciate this and you Cassey! You have such amazing energy!
Hi Casey I am fasting but still looking forward for something as a beginner. Your an inspiration and I love wat u do so honestly it’s remarkable and sweet
Me and my Husband are in!!!
Esperando llegue el dia de inicio. Veremos que logramos juntas 💪😅
I’m sooooo IN!!
Super excited to get active again and try some good food!
I’m in….its gonna be super amazing….I wanted to get started post covid and you came to my rescue….Luv ya Cassey…
I am sooo exited for this! I can’t wait to start. This will be my first Summer Sculpt, I started following Blogilates around January this year and I think this is going to be my fav challenge. I can’t wait for summer!🌊🌞⛱
My BFF Laura and I are texting right now about how excited we are! And it’s free?!!?! Cassey, you are waaaaaay too good to us! So pumped!!!
I’m in for the Hot Girl Summer Sculpt!! Can’t wait!
Hi! I’m in and very excited! ❤
Any modifications to make the cardio moves apartment-friendly? I can’t jump around in my 2nd floor apartment.
Other than just..not jumping but not adding anything else in. I feel like that just removes the whole cardio aspect.
This is going to be my first official challenge! Nervous but excited to do this!
Im ready for hot girl summer!!!
This is perfect timing! I’m just finishing the 28 Day Beginner’s Calendar today and I was wondering what to start next. Super excited to start this on May 3rd!
OH MY GOD ! Cassey i looove you♥️ you can’t imagine how inspiring you are ♥️ actually i was in the 21 days challenge and i saw a really big difference in my body that i had never imagined it as possible. These days also i was feeling blue, and depressed and wanted to exercise but i couldn’t, so this is exactly on time ♥️ it’s also my sister’s wedding soon💃🏻😂♥️ so, thank you in progress. Lots of love from Egypt ♥️
I’m sooo in for the workout! But with food I’m gonna stay with the meal plan from my dietitian cause yours has too many calories for what my body needs 🙈 gonna use some recipies tho ❤
I’m In!!!
I’m in for sure… I like all your challenges , It make me want to challenge myself and see if i can do it or not . i really want to be a healthier , slimmer and stronger person .
I’m in for sure… I like all your challenges , It make me want to challenge myself and see if i can do it or not . i really want to be a healthier , slimmer and stronger person .
I love that these meals are dairy and gluten free!! A couple weeks ago I was told to go dairy and gluten free for 6 months and it’s been so hard finding good recipes so I am so excited to try these out! I haven’t been this excited about anything in a long time!!!!
I’m in!!! It is going to be two amazing weeks!!!
I’m so in!!! I’m excited to join this journey
Hi Cassey, One suggestion. I would really like it if the downloads could open up in a new tab rather than the same window.
I’ve never committed to a workout plan but do consistently attend Pilates classes, home workouts just seem so deterring and I lack that pizzazz to get started…. but, HERE I GOOOO!
I have been waiting for something like this show up that could included a meal plan along with the workout you definitely took the time to do this Thank you Cassey. I’m ready to start this challenge and get my summer sculpt! We got this lady’s.
IM SO READY!!! Ive been already working out but not keeping up with the nutrition part so im so excited for this.
Hey Casey! Love your workouts! It’s my birthday this week and I think this workout plan is just what I need to kick off my goals! I haven’t done a meal plan before so that will be the tricky part for me but I’m ready to try!! Let’s do this Hot Girls!!! Xo
I am so ready, lets goooo!
IM IN! looking for a great start after having a baby. Hot girl summer 🙂
I’ve been feeling so down and unmotivated to do anything, but I am superexcited to start this challenge and feel energetic and healthy again!
Greeting from Belgium Cassey!
Can’t wait!! I’ve been looking for something to help kickstart my nutrition and spice up my workout routines 🔥🔥
Hi Cassey, I’ve workout with your videos previously but have stopped for a few years. Recently I’ve been feeling very burnt out from work and life and I hope that this summer sculpt would help me feel better!
I’m in on this!
I’m on a journey to let go of my pandemic overweight and mood. I made changes to my mindset and do 30 min of workout a day since February and this will be the perfect boost for me! I can’t wait to do this together
Signed up, I have a question on the meal plan!! The daily calorie count is about 2,000 each day, but on every calorie counting app I’ve tried I’m supposed to consume 1,500 to get a calorie deficit…. So should I stick with what the app says or up it? My goal is to get healthy and lose the fat I gained from being a mom
You should do what you know works for you in regards to this specific question – the meal plan is a guide!
I am in! Let’s hit the refresh button and get ready for the new, better things that are coming! 🙂 <3
Nooooo the app is only for iphone.
No, it’s on android, too, in the Google Play store!
I’M IN! May 3rd is my bday! And I’m ready to start new healthy habits!
The perfect coincidence!!!!
Argentina is in!!
I’m in! This is the first time I’m doing it… let’s goooo!
I’m innnnn😍😍😍Thank you Casey for this exciting plan👊🏻💕
Just finished you 21 day tone in April and i wanted another one! Yaayyy! ❤️
Will there be a warmup and cool down included? If not, I was thinking of using the warmup video and flexy from PIIT.
So excited! Working on consistency and slowly building up strength postpartum and I know this will help!
OOOF Cassey!
I did your workouts last year while studying abroad and I FELT SO GOOD!!! I’m definetly in for this years challenge and will try to get my mom and sisters to join me 😀
So excited to try this but is this just for building strength or will it help me lose weight too?
I’m in ! I’m a fan of your pilates workout in FitOn, and its really the bomb! I used to do HIIT and Boxing workout but when I tried Pilates, it is the best. I felt much stronger and better. It looks simple but it was really hard!! Thank you for this Cassey ! More power to you !
I’m definitely IN!!! I was just diagnosed with polichistic ovaries syndrom and need to start moving… As it helps as much as medication. Thanks for your work and help and being so accessible
Hello Cassey, can I do this challenge too, if I am 12?
I’M IN!!! ❤️ This is the perfect way for me to start my 90-day journey. Bought the 90-day journal some time ago and I think this is the sign for me to get started with it. I’m so excited.
Well, I’m in 🙂 I’m always in when it comes to workout challenges, but I’m not on a diet, but this time when you made the effort and time to make mealplan for us, I have to commit all the way!!! 😀
I will have to do some changes to the mealplan cause things like sugrfree coconut yoghurt (or any plant based sugarfree) are nowhere to be find…
But I hope that as long as I fit in the kcal ,,part” I’ll be okay 🙂 lunches and dinners look amazing 🙂 I think I’ll swap turkey for chicken ^^’ and with the smoothie bowl I’ll go for something more solid than fluid but with less calories 😀
This looks epic!!! I started doing these workouts last year because of an ongoing knee injury that stops me from doing any intense exercises.
I love doing these challenges and feeling super strong at the end, so I am super keen!!
I am super excited for this! Thank you for all this FO FREE!!! I had no idea where to start until a friend introduced me to you. Truly appreciate this.
I’ve downloaded ,super excited,thank you so much 😊❣️
Cant Wait!!!
Will the Hot Girl Summer Sculpt be built into the monthly May calendar!? 😀 Excited to try out the meal plan.
Can’t wait to get started! My boyfriend and I are doing this together!!
I’M IN!!! I want to not only feel better about my self but my body too become stronger and healthier. I can’t wait to get started!!!
I’m in and super excited!! But I do have a question, I noticed that in the meal plan the calories are about 1970, if we’re trying to be healthier but also tone down the fat and debloat why is the calorie intake so high? would it be better if I for instance not eat the recommended snacks, will I lose more weight and look healthy?
The meal plan is a guide based on a fairly active person – feel free to adjust as you need!
I´m soooo excited for this! I was looking for a new fitness challenge and then, out of nothing, Cassey hopped on my fyp and I´m soooo in!
From Italy, i’m ready to do this with you😍
Hey Cassey! I’m so down! I can’t wait! I’ve been slacking with exercising like I used to, my main source of exercise has just been walking, which isn’t bad! But I’m neglecting my other muscles. So I hope this helps a little bit to improve the other parts that I’ve been neglecting like my abs and arms! I’m so excited!
Hi..the app is just for Iphone 🙁
No, it’s on android, too!
I’M IN!!! Super exciteddd
I’m so totally in! The whole I’ve been neglecting my exercise but I’m ready to commit fully
I am in !!
So exited for this one
Hey Cassey Thanks for this program I really needed this.
1 more thing, where do we get the meal plan?
It’s in the PDF 🙂
Woohooooo lets go!!! I’m tweaking the meal plan (I’m trying to gain weight instead of losing it) but we are sooooo ready for this!!!
Hello. I am so excited to get started. I did your 21 day challenge and I loved it. I started my healthy journey in July and I have lost 77 ponds so far. I have 45 pcs to go and also want to get toned and some muscles.
Hey Cassey, Thanks fro this program. I really needed this
And one more thing where do we get the two-week meal plan?
It’s in the PDF 🙂
Started loving exercise because of you, I can say I feel stronger now and exercising has become an important part of my day, love to follow your old videos on youtube. I love your energy and how you are always giving to us. You are the best
So excited and appreciative for this challenge.. plan and recipes look sooo good.. Thank you sooo much
I am SO in!!!! I’ve been wanting to try out the omnivore meal plan for a few months now, but I’m just waiting on the opportunity to be able to spend the extra money. Learning that the meal plan for this challenge is straight from the 90 Day Journey makes me so excited, because this is going to be a perfect trial run to see if I can hack it 😂 2 weeks is a fabulous lil micro mini goal, thank you so much for giving me the perfect chance to be my own Guinea pig!! 😂 My goal down the road is to keep practicing my cardio and build my confidence up enough to where I can finally feel justified in buying the PIIT28 program to go alongside my new meal plan. I have exercise induced asthma, and I’m terrible at more than just short bursts of cardio, but I really want to be strong enough to endure PIIT28…!!! 🤩 This new Summer Sculpt is going to be super challenging for me in the same way the 21 Day Tone was, because I’ve never really bothered to meal plan or alter my diet much at all before, like, ever. So I really want to try and DO IT!! I will always love the original Summer Sculpt program, and this new one was me all kinds of jazzed, because it seems like it’s gonna be like the original 28 day challenge l, but a bit harder what with the meal plan and the extra cardio! I love it!!! I’m mildly terrified… 😬 BUT I ALSO LOVE IT!!! 😜🤣
I’ve been so confuse about what to do during summer and i found casey summer’s sculpt and this will help me a lot! Thank you so much casey I’m so exciting for this. Love you 💖
Hoping to finish this one for once! We shall see how much I can accomplish
I’M IN! want to be stronger overall, and aiming to get a pull-up by end of 2021!
YESSSS that is an awesome goal!!!!!
I am so excited Cassy! I am so gonna get my hot girl summer on:)))
I saw seitan on the veg alt. It’s not gluten-free.
Yes, that’s right! Those are vegan or vegetarian alternatives, I didn’t specify them as gluten-free.
I’ve decided that I am going to honour my body with this. Im in! Let’s do this
I am ready!!! One question- does ot have to be diary free?? 🙈🙈 and i hate Red bell Pepper- what can I use to substitute?
I’m so excited!! Love the fact that the workouts are going to be only 30 min a day. I always struggled completing the reg calendars bc they always took almost an hour to complete. Also, I did the 90 day meal plan and really enjoyed the meals (super filling and delicious) and saw results, so excited to continue my fitness journey!
I can’t wait! This is exactly what I was looking for right now!!! Thanks Cassey ❤️
I’m so thankful for all these recipes!
You are so welcome!!!!
I’m a dancer who had to take 4 months off because of a back injury…
Ever since then getting the motivation to start cross-training again has been a struggle, but I know having 14 days of new Cassey videos is what I need to get back to it!!! <3
I’m so excited!! But where can I find the videos? <3
On Youtube or in the BODY by Blogilates app!! The challenge starts on May 3rd 🙂
Will the summer sculpt be embedded into the May calendar?? I want to keep up with the calendar too!
I am SO IN! Very excited this is the first time to do any challenges or a structured program. I usually just do workout videos or weightlifting that I like or find interesting. Came from the FITON app and loved Cassy’s videos the most, wanted more and came here. Here to get Stronger!!
i’m in! super excited!!! 🙂
I’m definitely in!
YAAAAAS! I really enjoyed your 21-Day-Tone workouts and I‘m hyped for more.
My gym‘s been closed since November due to covid and it‘s my goal to show up fit and strong when it reopens. I used to work out there almost every day and I hope it‘ll be easier to get back into my old exercise routines 🙂
That said, I will continue to use your workouts because they are fun and effective.
So yeah… thank you Cassey for inspiring us and creating high quality content <3
Greetings from Austria
AMAZING!!!! Welcome baaaaaccckkkk!
so ready!!!! just wondering if the hot girl summer sculpt is gonna be suitable for beginners?? I’ve just started my fitness journey with your beginners workout calendar and I’m loving it!!
So pumped about this ahhhh
I’m so excited for this! I’m currently doing the 28-day summer sculpt program after finishing the beginner’s calendar. It’s crazy to see my body getting stronger week by week. It makes me feel so proud of myself even if it’s just a small improvement. Thank you for being so motivating, Cassey. Your energy is contagious. Love from Italy <3
I’m in!
Would you be able to update this plan and let us know what Vegan meals to eat? I have the 90 meal plan, but would love to know how to alter the recipes to fit my Vegan diet.
The plan includes vegan and vegetarian substitutes at the end of the PDF!
I’m in!! First time doing the Summer Sculpt.
Wooo hoooo!
Hello, I don’t like smoothie bowls, especially not with nut butters in them. What can I substitute for the breakfast smoothie bowls? Thank you
You can sub them for one of the other 3 recipes for breakfast or anything else that you’d like that feels like a good sub for that recipe nutrition-wise.
One of the videos, 20 minute Waist Whittler Cardio Pilates, is much too hard for me. Is there a less advanced video that I could substitute so I can still do the challenge?
You can modify the movements in that video or I have tons of other cardio/pilates videos on the channel – you can choose which one suits you. I like 10-min Fat Burning Cardio (you can do this twice), but any will do!
Thank you!
I’m so excited to get started!!! WOOHOOOO LET’S GET THIS GIRLS (and “hot” guys) :))
OMG the dates line up almost perfectly to end the program right as I’m leaving for my first vacation in a year and a half! So excited to do this!
WOW that is exciting!!!!!!
Hi Cassey, I’m soooo in!!!!!
A reasonable exercise regimen and a suitable diet will give you energy and fence