A #SWEATEMBER to Remember! Get your calendar password by signing up for the free newsletter!
I have a new and updated app! The one in this post is outdated. Click HERE to access Body by Blogilates!
Hey POPsters!
Can you believe #Sweatember is here!!??? My goodness. Time flies when you’re working out and having fun! This month you have some extra tools to help you make it through the month successfully:
1. The Blogilates App – yes you have the calendar here, but if you find that typing in the workouts, searching for them, and creating a playlist on YouTube is wasting too much time, then get the app! (Available on iPhone only right now.) It is all laid out there for you and you can still check things off. I knew that part was super satisfying so I made sure to translate that feature onto mobile! Plus the Secret Video “Hot Abs 100” is in there. (TRULY EXCELLENT AB WORKOUT) You can also download to own Hot Abs 100 on shopblogilates.com. Click here to see!
2. #SWEATEMBER DIETBET – want to take this month to the next level? If you’ve been looking to shed some extra pounds, then join our weight loss community of POPsters on dietbet.com/blogilates. Everyone there is super supportive. And…by putting $ down on your success, you have to stay committed! I don’t want any more excuses. Using this calendar and one of my free meal plans, I know you will lose 4% of your weight and win some $ back from the pot! Right now we’re at $60,000. Plus I’m doing a crazy giveaway right now. Person who invites the most people gets an iPad Mini ($329) and anyone could win a pair of Nike Free FlyKnits during the course of the game. Join now.
And guys, I want you to tweet me everyday @Blogilates. I need to hear from you and see how you’re doing and what you’re feeling. As your trainer, I need to know so I can serve you better. Love checking in on you. Plus awesome tweets will be retweeted for sure 🙂
You’ll also find that this month there are 3 “cardio tone” days that will help lean you out a bit faster. Vacation pounds go bye bye. And Fridays are stretch and relax days. Don’t skip out.
Here’s your playlist for all of #SWEATEMBER. Just click on the date to see all the videos:
K love you and lemme know if you have any questions!
322 thoughts on “A #SWEATEMBER to Remember! Get your calendar password by signing up for the free newsletter!”
There are 322 comments posted by our users.
Is it too late for me to join the Sweatember Challenge?
Just the motivation required.
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Hey! I was wondering how long it will be until the blogilates app will be on Android? Thanks!
How do you get the new password?
I hope to touch my toes one day! WOOOOH so excited!!! Lovely day to everyone who happens to see this <3
PUMPED for abtoberfest!!
hey how did you get the password for abtoberfest, is it the same like it was in sweatember?
hi fellow popsters!
does anyone know when the next blogilates calender will be available?
kisses xx
Just wanted to put myself out here and say hi to all my fellow Popsters! I’ve done Cassey’s workouts and calendars in the past but never seem to stick to it because I lose motivation. I’m in my final year of sixth form in England (I think that’s senior year in America but I’m not sure!) so finding the time over the past year has been difficult with exams and stuff, which is why I kept giving up. Now I’m back and determined to keep going! I’ve started doing the beginner’s calendar and can’t wait to get on to all the other wonderful stuff you give to us Cassey! I also have trouble with eating clean, not because I find it difficult but because I’m still living with my parents, and it’s hard to try and convince them to eat cleaner, especially when I’m not the one doing the cooking most of the time (I have control over my own breakfast and lunch though). I’d love it if anyone has any tips for breaking out of that cycle!
Basically I just wanted to share my little story and hope I find some friends over this journey of mine 🙂
Hi Rhiannon! I wish you all the success and luck in your journey! 🙂 I have been almost the same, sticking with the workouts and eating for a while and then letting it go again, not even because I don’t like it etc, but have just been so busy with new job (working e.g. for 11h on my feet and then just being too tired to work out!) or my boyfriend surprising me with pancakes or dinners, how can I say no?! But it all counts… So have been good for a bit and hope to continue 🙂
Thanks very much Maria! I’m really excited about sticking to it this time around, hope you continue to succeed also 🙂
I’m doing te beginners calendar now, its my 4th day in it and I feel sore but GREAT!, once I’m done with that one, I’m thinking of doing this one. I started with the beginners because even tho I was used to do exercise, I did not know the first thing about pilates. Now I feel that, once I finish this calendar, I can follow your steps in the sweatember. I feel great and its all thanks to you 😀
good job honey bunny! :)) keep going!
Hi Cassey and fellow popters,
it’s with great enthousiasm that I’m embarking on this new healthy living journey and I’m really excited about it. I have been doing the beginner for about two weeks and I’m loving it so far. I never thought that exercising can be so pleasant in the comfort of your own home ! 🙂 Thank you so much Cassey for being such a great coach! Although just one little question for everyone: since I end up pretty sweaty after each workout I find myself taking showers and washing my hair on daily basis. In the long run, I think it can be fairly damaging for my hair. Any suggestions for a better alternative? 🙂
Shower Cap! And if your hairs not looking its best go for some dry shampoo! Then you can shower everyday and wash your hair every two or three 🙂
use a no-poo shampoo!:))
I just started doing these workouts, but I’ve always been a long distance runner. Should I run before or after these workouts? I’ve tried it both ways before and they kinda get in the way of each other. Also there are some days where I think I’d prefer to just run for a couple hours instead of dividing up my time between the two. I’m not really sure what the solution is, so any help would be totally appreciated!!
I think the best way to exercise is to do what you enjoy. Perhaps if you are working with a coach, or in a running club, others can make suggestions that would help you get to the racing times you desire, etc., but my suggestion is to do what makes you happy and motivated on any particular day (although I’ve never done well with abs before running!)
Thank you Libby! I appreciate the feedback 🙂
Please post the october calender soon!:)
you r gr8 cassey!
I’M DEAD!!! thank you Cassey
Afternoon Cassey, I stumbled across your YT videos a few days ago, when I was looking up Pilates (ever since my bf bought me a yoga/Pilates starter kit), I find you very inspiring and am going to start your beginners calendar tomorrow, I weigh about 190lbs, and I have already started eating healthy (since my bf is a chef) all I rly need to do is lose about 40lbs and tone up to be a healthy weight according to my body shape, doesn’t rly matter how long it takes but I am curious as to how long it would take to lose that much doing your work outs, im very excited to start ^^
Hi Stephanie!!!
I just want to wish you a load of happy luck! I think that its great that you are trying to lose weight in order to be healthy and not just looking good. I hope your journey is full of happy moments and learned lessons. Good luck!
awww tysm Kate ^^ im doing my best ^^ never going to give up
good luck honey! we’ll always be here for you as a community!
awwwww….casseyyy nw i’ve gone crazyyyy after today’s workout…love ya!!! xoxoxoxoz!! :):):):)
So I was wondering if its better to do the workouts one after the other with small breaks or if its better to spread it out over the course of the day? I find myself sweaty and sore once I complete each workout
same ques with mee here…feel even fizzy when doing continuously..:/
I think you should do what you feel is better for you! Probably you could try to do like 2 workout videos in the morning and the others in the afternoon 🙂 I personally prefer to do all the videos in the morning, but I think it depends for each person xo
i think you can start with spreading them out but once you get more advanced put them together because it makes it more difficult. But I mean if time is an issue doing them spread out is better than not doing it at all 🙂
the ads on your website are incredibly annoying. i love your workouts but the ads keep popping up and closing the video until i just give up and not bother anymore. no idea if you have any control over this but if you do please let these ads know to keep to themselves
DO you know there’s a thing called Addblocker? I don’t know which browser you’re using but it should have one as application. Try it out!
I’ve never seen a pop up on this website, or any ads besides the links at the bottom of the page. Maybe check your browser settings and your antivirus to see if you have a popup blocker to enable.
Like Kristin, I’ve never seen a pop-up ad on this site. You might have a virus. It’ll be a good idea to do a sweep of you computer.
I’m in a different time zone, so the new workout is released while nighttime in my country. What should I do..?
Just start the calendar when its day time. The days may be slightly off but you can probably adjust the dates to match your timezone.
either start the calendar a day late or you could substitute the new workout for another video and just do the new workout the next day 🙂
I’ve been sick for a week– looking forward to finally getting back to this tomorrow! 🙂
When I first signed up, I got the email but not the password.
I tried it again today, and now I got sent the password.
For all you guys who didn’t get the password, for your sake, ‘numberoneapp’ is the password c: without the ‘ obviously lolol ;3
Hey popsters! I’ve been following Cassey for about 2 months and I just had a quick question!
Whenever I’m on my back, I find it hard to have my lower back flat on the mat – I’m assuming it’s because I’m a little thicker in the lower areas of my body but even when I put my hands on my tailbone like what Cassey says, It’s still not flat on the mat! 🙁
Anyone have any tips? Please and thank you! 🙂
hey! this might be because you have hyperlordosis, when your back curves inward and your stomach/butt stick out. it’s caused by tight hip flexors. i have it, and i’m working to fix it by using defranco’s agile 8 program, as explained in the video “how to easily fix lumbar lordosis.” hope this helped!
(it’s not one of cassey’s videos, it’s just a video i found on youtube that’s really helpful in explaining the program)
I’ve never heard of that! I’ll look into it! Thank you! 🙂
Hello all!
The school year has just started again, and all that crazy hard work I did over the summer has gone ka-poof!
My schedule is SUPER BUSY. I don’t even get home until 6pm on a weekly average, and my homework makes me stay up until almost midnight! The only possible times for me to work out are on the weekends 🙁
Will my weight loss be a SUPER SLOW and gradual progress this year? And are there tips to help with this tight schedule?
Thank you so much for your time!
Hey!! I’m in the same exact situation! I worked really hard to get in shape over the summer. What i do is get up two hours before school. (Don’t do that if your school starts before 7:30) For me that’s enough time to do most of my workout and then do a quick shower, eat a healthy breakfast (or smoothie), throw on some clothes and put on my makeup. After school I finish my workout (if i have to) and then grab some water and work on homework all the way until dinner. My homework takes 5 hours tops, so I’m normally 60-75% done by dinner. Then I just finish my homework. Basically, waking up earlier helps get a lot done. Also turn off your phone while you do your homework. To lose weight I’m also doing this neat thing where you drink a lot more water.Basically you weigh yourself and divide it in half. So if you weigh 150 Ibs, then you need to divide that in half (75 Ibs) and drink that much water in ounces. So you would need to drink 75 ounces of water a day. If you do this for a whole week you can lose more than 10 pounds a week.
I hope I helped?
wow…Im gonna try that
Wow, that really helps! Except my school starts at 7:10am everyday so…… Still a bummer 🙁
I’ve been trying to do the water thing so hopefully it’ll work out somehow! Haha Homecoming is coming up so hopefully I can get a flatter stomach in a month with only the weekend to workout!
Wow, that really helps! Except my school starts at 7:10am everyday so…… Still a bummer 🙁
I’ve been trying to do the water thing so hopefully it’ll work out somehow! Haha Homecoming is coming up so hopefully I can get a flatter stomach in a month with only the weekend to workout!
Read more at https://www.blogilates.com/calendar/a-sweatember-to-remember-get-your-calendar-password-by-signing-up-for-the-free-newsletter#hj5hGblU3aced8OI.99
I wake up before school earlier than normal and throw in my workout then.
a question for you……
I am following the calendar. each day has a list of different workouts to complete; however, my confusion is that when I do certain workouts cassey will say to repeat the whole thing through 2,3, or 4 times. so….if she chooses that video for us that day do we also complete so many rounds or just one round? a good example: tues, sep 10 the fat melting cardio was only about 5-6 min long and she says to repeat it 3 or 4 times. should I have done that video over and over for 20-24 min or just moved on to the next one down the list (great Gatsby this day)?Thanks for the help!!!
Hey! Some people who watch and follow her videos don’t use the monthly or beginner calendars so they create their own schedule, and sometimes repeat the video (where Cassey says “Repeat this ‘-‘ to ‘-‘ times”) by their own choice. This can be because they chose to do that one video repetitively according to Cassey’s instructions instead of making their own playlist with multiple vids (to total 1 hour) unlike those who follow calendars that are already given a set of videos per day. It’s more of a recommendation, but since you’re doing the calendar, do the videos of each day once because it already totals roughly an hour. It’s your choice really.
Most of the videos when Cassey says to repeat it, she’s just saying you should try to work out for an hour. In a lot of the 15 minute videos, as an example, she’ll say to repeat it 4 times. The goal is basically just to work out for an hour a day, 5-6 days per week. If you want to work out longer, you can repeat the videos and follow the calendar, but most calendar days you just have to do every video once to get the hour in. If it says on the calendar itself to repeat the video though, you should try to. Hope that helps 🙂
Hi POPsters!
I love working out, but sometimes the dinner catches me while doing it (I eat with my family ’cause I’m only 14 and I can’t have my own schedules and timetables) and my parents don’t allow me to continue ’cause they want us to eat together. I understand them, of course, but I would like to do some type of workout after the dinner so I won’t feel I haven’t done anything and I have cheated doing the exercises of the day, because that is what happens to me. Do you know any exercises I could do after eating? I know that is better to wait an hour or two before working out if you ate something, but if there were some light workouts or something like that, I would be so so soooo grateful.
Thank you in advance, I know you POPsters are the best!
See you!
Always wait at least an hour after dinner befoer doing exercises. Your body needs the energy to digest your food. After that I can’t give you specific advice on what workout to do, Just look through some video’s and decide which one you want to do! The cardio once I wouldn’t call ‘light exercise’ but some others are.
only just started from September 12th, absolutely dyinggg but totally LOVE the burn!!
thank you so much, you are such a delight to follow and be inspired by!!
Hi there. I have been doing some of Cassey’s workout for about 8 weeks or so, and am keen to start the calendar. However – I don’t understand it! Do I need to do every one of the routines marked each day? or just choose 1 or two?!
Thanks for your help!!!
Hello Hannah! You should do every workout that’s marked for the day.
Good luck 🙂
we do all of them:)
Hey Cassey and fellow popsters! I was wondering if y’all normally stretch either before or after your workouts (or both??). I don’t, but I’m now wondering if I should… I was originally thinking that pilates is already based on improving flexibility, but for workouts that are more HIIT-oriented, do you think stretching would be a good idea?
Thanks Cassey for everything you do!
Stretching helps a lot during any exercise or physical activity and prevents injury and soreness, so always stretch for a couple of minutes before and after. If you’re doing things like cardio for exercise, it’s also good to do dynamic stretches to warm up your body 🙂 plus, it speeds the improvement of flexibility too (:
Jury’s out on whether or not it’s beneficial to stretch before a workout. Defs stretch after though!
And never ever ever stretch cold muscles.So if you decide to stretch before doing the calendar you need to do some light activity to get warm
I am about 190 lbs 5’3 in height. according to Cassey I should do a lot of cardio to melt the fats. Should I do cardio everyday or following her everyday schedule is fine.
Thanks a lot !! 🙂
Hi Shaniqua! Try following Cassey’s schedule. You can lose fat by doing a lot of cardio but if you will do toning exercises and weight lifting few days a week, you will build muscles which will help you to burn more fat even when you won’t exercise. So follow the calendar and you will be fine 🙂
Hey Cassey! I found you on you tube, and you are so inspiring to me, now I’m new here, trying to get start a new routine, but, I’ve been in a sedentary mood since 1 year ago, I don’t know were to begin, any suggestions? Love your blog! 🙂
Hi Xim, you could try the beginner’s calendar.
hey cassie. i weight 59 kg. if i do this challenge, how much weight can i lose.
Hi Aireen! It really depends on what you eat – remember to eat clean, small portions and control your calories (but never starve yourself or eat bellow your BMR – you can easilly calculate it online). Also it depends on how tall you or and how much your body is used to exercise 🙂 Good luck!
Hi, i’m from Indonesia.
So, I’ve been POPster since 6 months ago.
But, this month’s my first workout calendar …. and it’s amazing!!!
Cassey, you kill me in a good way
So. thank you so much <3
Hi guys!
So I was wondering. This is probably showing how much I love food and don’t want to do the meal plan-but on Fridays, “YOLO days,” does that mean we also don’t follow the meal plan?
We’re probably still supposed to follow the plan-just a break work out day right?
Thanks! Hope everyone’s working hard!
Well, it’s my first workout calender. How am i gonna use it. I’m gonna do all the workout routines. But on Monday? What does “new workou”t mean? What am i supposed to do?
When you see ‘New Workout’ that just means that on her youtube channel a new video will be out that day to do.. Keep in mind the different timezones, because she may release it lunchtime her time, but on the other side of the world it might be nighttime– just keep an eye out that day.
Do the newest workout that Cassey posts
Are you supposed to do all the workouts under the day or do you pick only one?
yes , all the workouts , about an hour 🙂
This is my first real calendar after doing the beginners calendar in August. Adjusting to longer workouts has been hard but I’m getting there.
I don’t weigh or measure myself because I find I can become obsessed, and I have worked really hard over the last few years to achieve some balance and not become fixated on numbers.
Since starting these workouts I have not wanted to step on a scale or grab a measuring tape once. Instead I go by what I look like in the mirror, how my clothes are fitting and how I feel.
Today I feel amazing. I feel strong and healthy and confident. For the first time I feel strength in my body. I looked in the mirror today and I can see abs developing, with a line! I have calf muscles that you are starting to notice and even my inner thighs are a wee bit tighter. My butt is bigger, but its firmer and lifted instead of sagging and soft. No more “skinny-fat” for me.
I love this woman
Read more at https://www.blogilates.com/calendar/beginners-calendar-for-popsters-just-starting-out#CAc34Udv80Bi4XH9.99
I don’t know where the “read more at” came from?!?! Weird….
hey, just want to let you know that you are so inspiring.. and i am really thankful for all your videos and apps and calender. although i just started joining your team but i hope i see alot of progress. wishing for a nice abs since i was young. i do alot of sports, like basketball, futsal, volley and also running but cant seem to loss those belly fats. and i got myself thinking my fats are thick and stubborn. plus its really hard for me to stay on track because i am a dental student studying in indonesia and i always end my class late. and have the difficulties in finding less oily food. do you have any simple meal plan i can work out? ones again thank you
hi Cassey! i’m an Italian fan from a town near Venice!
FIRST, I want to say you are so inspiring to me and I really love the workouts and your positive cheery attitude !!!! thank youuuuuu
i have a question, i do swimming twice a week, and now i start your sweatember calendar, how can i do during the days I have also to go swimmig??? do I have to do all the workouts or can i eliminate some of your workouts??? Because it’s sooo hard to do them all and the swimming!!!!
Really love this month’s calendar! I’ve been quite lazy due to my summer exams but now I’m back on track. So sore everyday! What I really appreciate is the playlist, which makes it more comfortable to workout. I definitely hate the breaks when searching for each single video on youtube, so I like this a lot! It would be quite cool if there was a stretching routine at the end of each playlist. When I finish, I’m always like, ok, done, take a shower. I don´t get myself to stretching after workouts, but if it would be part of the schedule, I would.
For some reason my sweatember calendar is not loading. I click on it and it only loads partially and the rest is grey. I’ve tried clicking on it multiple times and the same thing happens. Any suggestions?
If you couldn’t open the calendar in the end, I can e-mail it to you 🙂
I stumbled across this site a few nights ago and just started doing these workouts. I was skeptical that they’d be too easy. I mean how hard can this peppy lady working out to pop songs work me right? WRONG. So wrong. Sore before I was done. But I loved it! I’m def going to do this everyday. Thanks Cassey =)
I have extremely weak wrists, bad knees, and a tailbone that’s still healing, I put a towel under my tailbone when I need to and the knee pain isn’t that bad, but what can I do for my wrists? Is there a way to strengthen them? They stop me from doing a lot of the workouts…
Sorry to hear that, try going on your forearms when possible and xassey suggested once that making a fist and going on your knuckles like a gorilla will help if ur wrist hurts.
To strengthen you get a strong resistance band and grab hold of it while there’s high tension and simply flex your hand up and down for some reps with the underside of your hand facing down and then the same with the underside of your hand facing up. (Like curls but for your wrists lol!) Then grab hold and do reps flexing laterally one way and then the other etcetc.
Im not allowed to buy anything online. This sucks I cant do the hot abs 100.
Just do another ab workout video 🙂 It’s not the same, but at least you can still do an extra ab strengthening!
Hey guys I have a question! Do you just do these exercises everyday or do you pair it with her other videos too?
Hey Paige!
I personally do just these videos everyday, because they generally take an hour, and all you need is an hour of exercise each day to see change. If it’s not enough though, you can definitely mix it up with some of her other videos 🙂
Que buen entrenamiento! Que suerte que encontré esta página. Mi meta es recuperar mi estado físico que perdí después de tener a mis hijos.
Gracias Cassey!
Que fantástico que ud. encontró los ejercicios de Cassey! Algunas veces es dificil para hacerlos, especialmente depués de tener a sus hijos, pero vale la pena!
Buena suerte con sus ejercicios y que le vaya bien con su meta, ud!
I just found you on YT and signed up for the email subscription. Just curious… Do you have followers who are over 250 pounds who do your workouts? or is this something for people who only need to loose about 10-50 pounds? I weight a lot more than 250 but I need to do some type of exercise and this seems motivating and interactive and that’s why I wanted to try. But I don’t want to try if its not for my body type(weight) Thanks.
Obviously I’m not Cassey, but I totally think that you can do these workouts! No workout is exclusively for one body type. You can probably just go ahead and do these videos to the best of your ability. Go ahead and modify things or take breaks if you have to. Also, she has a beginners calendar which is great if you are just getting started.
Good luck to you!
I totally think you can, too! I will preface this by saying that I am of normal weight (whatever that means) but let me tell you a quick story. I have a dear friend who is happily married to a larger man, almost 400 lbs large (she is my size). While he did not use Cassey’s videos, he did embark on a w/o regimen using another video series. After a year, he has lost over 100 lbs. and completely changed his physique. Now mind you, after a year, he can barely do one push up but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that he continued to push himself and forged forward, never giving up. He also changed his eating habits which we all knows helps immensely. Keep doing what you can and modifying where you need to. Things will get easier and the rewards will be greater!
Happy Working Out!
I started following Cassey about 3 weeks ago (I started the actual beginner’s workout calender 2 weeks ago) and I was around 230 pounds when I started. I don’t know my weight now, as I don’t weigh myself (except once every 3 months or so when I get my birth control renewed)…I just go by how I feel and how my clothes are fitting (because I would become number obsessed, and try to cut corners if I focused on a number. And I really want to lose weight the right way for long term commitment).
Before I started doing her videos, I had been doing a 5k training app for about 4 weeks (I use the Zombies, Run! 5k trainer. SO FUN!) I had also been eating mostly raw for about 4 weeks. I lost some weight from just those 2 things (I was 255 when I started those…and I still do those things), But since I’ve started her videos, I feel stronger. I feel muscle coming up in places where I didn’t have any before. I actually feel my abs working instead of just feeling the exercises in my back and neck. I do have to modify some of the moves, but I do the best I can, and some things I don’t have to modify anymore and I’ve only been a popster for 3 weeks! I have a friend doing the beginners calender with me, and she’s a bit heavier and has a different body shape than I do, and she modifies accordingly as well. Example: She can’t do roll-ups to save her life, so she just does crunches in place of those in the workouts. I couldn’t do the “up up down downs” a couple of weeks ago in regular plank position, so I started in a coffee table position (even though she says not to, it was all I could do) but in just this short amount of time I can do them from plank!
I say start with the beginners calender, and just do what you can, the best you can. If something hurts (and not in a good way!) then figure out something else to do instead or a way to adjust it. Just do what you can, try to maintain proper form, and give it your all! And don’t be alarmed if some of the exercises in her beginners calender workouts don’t seem very beginner! Some of them are intense! But you can do it! I’ve never been one for following a “program” because I get bored super easy, but these workouts are fun, different every day and Cassey keeps me motivated and interested.
Hi Cassey!
I’d done a few of your workouts before; I was pretty good about following the beginners calendar the first half of June but then I got crazy busy and let myself slip….and it’s been showing hehe. I really love the workouts and your positive cheery attitude so looking forward to starting up #sweatember and getting back on track to a healthier me! Thanks so much and can’t wait until your app comes out on Android! Woohoo! 😀
Am I the only one having trouble downloading the calendar each month!? This has been going on for me since she started doing the calendar.
Hey Cassey!
I recently subscribed to your channel and I really enjoy the monthly workout you created. I was wondering if you have workout routines for different body shapes. I have a pear shape and I noticed that my upper body loses weight and tones a lot faster than my lower half. Would you recommend doing more lower body workout on top of the monthly workouts?
You lose an equal amount of fat all over your body when you work out, you’re just able to see a difference faster in the areas that are not covered with so much fat 🙂 This calendar is great for losing weight so you should just continue doing it ^^,
POPSTERS! please answer me! do i need to do any more cardio if i already am doing sweatember? my body fat is 25 % wanna get down to 15!%
No, just eat clean and moderately (don’t restrict, for example, if you really want that cookie, eat it but try not to eat the whole jar) and workout.
And remember that you must never ever get under 15% of body fat, that’s so dangerous for your health!
I can do the diet bet because if I lose 4% more i’ll be verging on unhealthy…. so I’m following this calendar and missing out the crazy pop hiit stuff and just doing her dvd…. I’m trying to do more strength and toning than fat loss now! I’ve also upped my calorie intake alittle if I do go for a run…. I’m now fueling my body before I exercise rather than just burning it all off!
Hey Cassey!I really enjoy your workout videos,and you are amazing ^_^! So,I am doing the Sweatember calendar workout,and I was wondering if it is possible for me to lose some weight like between 5 to 7 kg.I’m not verry fat,but I’m chubby..And I really wanna lose 5 kg. till next month.Thanx :-*?
It should be possible to lose up to 5 kg 🙂 You can maybe lose even more kgs but you have to keep in mind that the weight scale isn’t everything 🙂 Be patient, keep working out and you will eventually get there 🙂 Don’t let yourself down if you don’t lose all that weight this month ^^,
I woke up SO SORE this morning! My lower body is on fire….but still got through Day 3! It was totally worth it. I’m still working on not being a huge baby after my 10th burpee.
Burpees are Killer!
the sweatember calendar is a b**ch….. but i’m gna learn to love it…… for the sake of myself and to get that nice toned body like Cassey!
Hey I am really excited for this months workouts to begin but I was wondering when or if you were going to make a google play app for Blogilates. Thanks a bunch. <3 🙂
Hi its my first time doing this calendar and i am really excited! But i have one question. For example today when it says the “we cant stop pop hiit” do we do it once through or the amount of times (3) she says to do it in the video?
Try to do it three times, but we’re all at a different pace so don’t feel embarrassed if you can’t get through it. I can only make it through two but I’m getting there!
Hi Andrea and welcome to blogilates! for the pop hiits you do them 3 times like she says and then the cardio blast at the end. I find it helps to have the printable on hand and watch the video as well =) Enjoy! It’s a killer for sure =P
Guys did you see the day 12 ? Food baby and then 100 BURPEES?I am afraid from now for this workout..i thing i will have some nightmares on 11th night
Dear Cassey,
I hurt my toe. As in maybe broken. I was showing how flexible I am and I tried kicking over my cousins head and instead kicked a stone wall in my house. What should I do for working out? If I don’t I get anxious.
Love you girl,
I just finished day 2 of the calendar and finished whole beginners calendar last month. I was wondering how long it takes for weight to lower? I noticed that i got slimmer and more toned but my weight stayed in place. Sure in #Sweatember is much more cardio than in the beginners calendar and i’m not able to do it all cause my stamina is low, but i’m getting a bit discouraged. Please help
If you’re not losing as much weight anymore then you’re probably building that muscle and getting stronger, which is actually really good. Usually when you start losing weight and building muscle your weight can also vary back and forth a bit as well. I don’t know if this helps, but it’s just my insight to it hehe =)
Most of the days the workouts are not even a full hour long… tomorrow is just half an hour!? Why is that? now I have to search for more videos myself. That’s annoying and time consuming…
You can always use previous calenders to make the workouts longer!
Sure I can do that. But Cassey always tells us to workout for an hour or so a day and then she makes a calender with workouts that are much shorter…
I am unable to click off the workouts I complete on the app. Is there a trick to it?
Hi, when I tried to zoom in on the calendar, it came up all cropped at the bottom, like many other people’s did.
Hi everyone, so I’m not new to exercising insane, though it has been a while. I also know what food is good for me and what food is bad for me. My problem is, especially after such an intense workout today. I need to eat so much more, and while it isn’t ‘bad’ food. It is stuff like pasta. It’s very frustrating because I feel I won’t physically make any progress if I also have to eat my bodyweight in food. Any suggestions to extinguish the hunger?
Though I must say, thank you Cassey for this amazing app! It has gotten me inspired to get fit. That’s why this eating issue is so annoying.
For me drinking more water when I’m hungry helps. Its okay to eat starchy food after workouts as they will burn away a lot faster.
Hello! I just wanted to some advice please:
I’m on day 14 of the beginners calender …
Shall I carry on with this calender until I finish then,. Start the September calender (which will be half way through the month) or stop the beginners calendar and start the September Calender ASAP ?
Thank you
I think you should do whatever feels right! If you feel like you’re ready to do the monthly calendars do it! You could always switch to September’s calendar and if you decide you’re not ready yet pick up where you left of with the beginners one! Good luck!
Just finish the beginner calender!! i finished it and now did the ( little bit more advance) sweatember calender and its kiling me :ppp you need to be aware how much work you need to do for the monthly calenders and how hard they are 😮 yesterday workout just made me sweat a bathtub of salty water!
it depends on how strong you feel.Note that the September calendar is definitely harder that the begginers calendar so if you feel like you can do it then do it 🙂 for example tomorrow you can try the tomorrow’s workout from sweatember and if you can do it ..continue with the sweatember 🙂
Finish the beginner’s calendar, and then start September halfway through. The beginner’s calendar will get you into the swing of things, and strengthen you for the faster pace and longer videos. Keep it up! 🙂
Hi, I am a little past halfway done with the beginner’s calendar and I was wondering if I should incorporate the Sweatember calendar with my beginner’s calendar (& also the yoga I do!)?? Any feedback would be good.
Also, I don’t exactly have the funds to eat all the food Cassey does, so in the mornings I have a bowl of oatmeal with tempe bacon and I try to eat vegetables and lean proteins throughout the day. Is it okay if I can’t stick directly to Cassey’s diet plan?
are there any workouts for us to substitute the pop hits one
its like i lack motivation without cassey guiding me through
Why is today’s workout called Quick Hiits? It takes one hour to do! Or do the others take even longer? (I couldn’t do yesterday’s workout because I worked a 10 hour shift and had to study).
Omg, i’ve Just finished the first Day and i’m dying, this is awesome. Thanks for support us, Cas. You’re amazing. I’m going for the next tour weeks.
Hey Guys ,
This Is My First Time Trying Her Calendars & I Would Like To Know From The More Experienced Popster Veterans How Long Before You See Results If You Do The Workouts & Eat Clean ? 🙂 Thanks In Advance Guys ! You ALL Motivate Me <3
Hi, well I started with Cassey’s workouts about 2 and a half months now and after the first month (beginers calendar) I started to see changes, not in my weight, but definition in some muscles which is sooooo motivating!! You’ll feel so happy. Every sweat drop is worth it!!
Keep going!!
i can’t open the calendar. every single time i click to enlarge and print, it shows the top part about the app and then it has a grey screen that says the page contains errors. can you help me? because this happens with every single calendar.
I switched some of the days around to go better with a 5K plan I’m starting later this month 🙂 I’m still doing all the workouts, just on different days 😀 I hope this situation with some people (like myself) being unable to connect to Facebook gets solved soon! I want to meet/follow fellow POPsters and hopefully help motivate others!!
WOW I loooove the sweatember calendar! I need some help though, I’ve been working so hard the past week and eating super clean but today I couldn’t take it anymore and I just had a binge! I feel so bad and full of regret! I wish I hadn’t done it! Will this ruin my whole week’s sacrifice and work?? PLEASE HELP!!!!! I feel so bad right now :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Woah, no problem. One day of binge eating won’t ruin anything. If you make a new start the next day (or even the day after) , no problem 🙂
if you say you “coulnd’t take it anymore”, that might be a sign, that you have not enough calories in your diet (that normally leads to binge eating at some point). Although people tend to forget: you still need calories to keep you body functioning and if you work out very hard, then you need even more 🙂 So maybe try to incooperate more lean protein or veggies in your diet, but maybe also some “good” fats like nuts and avocado. The whole point in eating clean is, that it should still be fun, and it can’t be fun if you’re hungry all day ling!
I recommend eating throughout the day small meals/snacks. This has helped me control my eating and cravings a lOT! I pack fruit, nuts, veggies to work and eat salads with protein for lunch. By 4pm I am really not that hungry but still eat a couple more veggies or smoothie. This has also helped me save money! Once you start feeling a change in your body, you will realize you don’t need to binge! You can do it!
I’m new to this site and a little confused… An I supposed to do everything a day or just one of them? How is this calendar supposed to be utilized?
Everything, not only one workout. I don’t understand why this question is asked so many times every day a new calendar is released… No offense, but what results do you expect from doing 5 or 10 minute workouts only?
sorry i didnt realize these workouts were so short. anything that ive watched so far was a full workout. theres no reason to be short with new people. we are just trying to find a place to start and figure things out. its not like the calendar gives any instructions for doing all the mini workout sets.
You do all the workouts of the day 🙂
thanks for the info =)
What diet is best for this months calendar? I’m a vegetarian and I want to be thin and lean, not bulky.
You will not get bulky unless you eat tons and tons of protein and lift super heavy weights all day long. Look at Cassey, she eats clean and works out a lot and she looks lean and toned, not bulky. Why are women always like oh my god this workout includes using a 10 lbs dumbbell, I better use only 1 lbs because I don’t wanna look like The Rock… You won’t, I promise. Weight training and body weight exercises are essential if you want to become a fitter and stronger person with a toned body. Stepping on the elliptical every day and doing nothing else will make you lose weight but also look “skinny fat” because your lacking muscle mass.
Dont diet! eat clean 🙂 make it into a lifestyle your not gonna diet forever are you? and if your a vegetarian then thats fine your living a meat free lifestyle 🙂 avoid ”diet” foods too and just listen to your body!
I would love to do dietbet, but I’m not 18 🙁
I am in the same situation and my family isn’t into doing this stuff so I am kind of on my own. Just gonna have to continue until I can 😉
The calendar came up cropped :c what do I do?
Hi I’m new and was wondering what does it mean when it says new workout? Thanks in advance for your help!
You’re supposed to do the new work out Cassey uploads to her youtube channel on that day.
She will post a new video that day 🙂 For example today 🙂
Hey Cassey!
I love your calendar because I travel for work and never know where I’m going to be. And I try to fit in workouts whenever I can.
Have you ever thought to put the total time for each day? It would be helpful when I’m trying to plan out my schedule!~
I need to know why we have to drink 8oz water because for me it is really hard, I dont drink a lot.
8oz is just one glass of water.
And you really should drink. Technically it’s 1,5L a day (it’s like 8 glasses a day) Try to take time : one when you get up, one after breakfast, one around 10, two for lunch, one in the afternoon, one during diner and one before bed.
you supposed to drink cold water in the morning because it speeds up your metabolism for the day. Your body has to warm it up and burns calories in the process. Not only that but drinking water keeps you healthy. There’s no sugar, calories, fats, or anything bad so you can drink as much as you want.
You don’t have to gulp it down, just take sips of it before you have coffee or have it with your breakfast.
drinking water is soooo important. especially when you exercise! 8oz is just one cup of water. 1 cup! most tall glasses are 2 cups. to get the minimum 8 cups of water a day, just drink 4 tall glasses — that’s like one at each meal. it’s not hard. just stop drinking calorie-filled beverages and replace it with water.
All this talk of water is making me thirsty! I love it!
Wow, you are severely dehydrated. The recommended water intake is HALF your weight in OZ. For example, I weight 151 lbs so I should drink at least 70.5 oz of water daily. That is only if I do not exercise or sweat.
You drink water when you wake up because your body has been resting for however long you’re sleeping and is dehydrated. You want to start your body right and why not with the ingredient that makes up for the majority of our body?
It also helps fill up your stomach so you don’t end up eating more than you need to. I hope you’re not experiencing any health problems because if you are, dehydration could be the #1 culprit to all of that. Drinking water also helps your skin considerably, including your face and your wrinkles.
I am done with the workout for today. OMG that was crazy! I was all sweaty and LOVED IT! I must also say that with Mondays workout amount it is perfect as I have also 2h volleyball training that day so I may actually survive. (Last time when I worked out for 1h and played for 2 h, stairs became my worst enemy and in my work there is a lot of running back an forth on them :P) Love you Cassey for doing that.
Btw. my worst problem is not actually working out but eating clean. So if you have any idea for quick healthy food, esp. dinner that after exhausting day I can make let me know!
I also should update my phone model as mine do not have even internet (poor student you know :P)
Hope to kill it this month and hope to have you popsters motivating me!
Hi, I’m probably being totally stupid here, but I was just wondering what it means by “New workout”. Does this mean we choose our own? I’m new to this, any input appreciated 🙂
Nevermind, I understand now haha! New workout that is uploaded on Monday! 🙂
Guys I want to ask for your advice.I find it REALLY difficult to do plank and everything connected with this that particular pose as my arms are not strong at all.It hurts me really bad only to stay in plan for a minute not speaking about doing different moves staying in that pose.I honestly prefer doing more burpees than sth connected with plank pose.So,how you do it?How you dont feel the pain or distract yourself from it?Any advice would be perfect to me and i would be grateful.Because im getting mad at me when i cannot perform the whole video because of my arms 😀 Thank you in advance 🙂
When I first started strength training, I had an extremely difficult time holding a plank too. At the time, I was taking fitness classes and my trainer told me to practice once a night holding a plank. I suggest stating off holding a plank for as long as you can (maybe 30 sec or a min) and every night add on a few more seconds. This really helped build up my strength. Good luck!
I found it really difficult to do the planks and other moves of today videos too! But then I realized that I need to do the Beginners Calendar first, since I am not strong enough to do the Sweatember Calendar! But anyway, I will not give up, I am very excited on this new journey!! I love Cassey, she is so inspirational to me!
Thank you all for your answers (sun) I will combine every advice and we will see what will happen.Sarah that with the plank is simple but i have not thought about it so now Im gonna try it 🙂
I started with my knee bent. Maybe it’ll help you too 🙂
i’m very overweight, and my joints hurt when i do planks. so i just put my knees down and modify accordingly. if i can’t modify it that way, i just sub it for an exercise that works the same body part — ie i could not do those saw twist rolls ups in the pop pilates for weight loss video, so just did some side crunches and reverse crunches.
Can I go for a run/walk after each workout or would it be to much and I will injure myself?
You can definitely go for a walk! Going for a run would completely depend on how fit you already are. If after completing everything you feel like your body isn’t tired out yet, then go for it! Only you know your body and how much it can take, so go at your own pace with things 🙂
Of course you can. Just be sure to not over exert yourself and stay hydrated. Stretch before and after you do this as it will help blood flow, stretch the muscles and reduce soreness.
It’s extra cardio too so it will help with the results
this is my first calendar! And I have a question that isn’t in the faqs! Someone please help me!
Do I need to do all of the videos at once or can I separate them throughout the day? Please help!
Pretty sure you can seperate them through the day, although I doubt it matters much! 🙂
Im not a professional but i think that if you do them all at once the effect would be bigger.You just cannot load up your body for 10 minutes(the duration of one single video).It is like doing warm up in the morning and then do your actual workout after your lunch and finally do stretching before go to bed.I mean,in that way it wont work as much as doing it at once.
However,i hope Cassey and other popsters answer you with their opinion,too but for me-it is definitely better to do them all at once 🙂
I am pretty sure that I read in many articles and heard from specialists that you start burning the fat only after 20 min of exercising, so for the greater effect all at once would be better. However, if you cannot do them all at once then separate them and build your strength so there will be no problem with doing them all at once.
I am doing them all at once maybe with 1-2 min break between the videos.
What do you POPsters think?
You would still be burning calories but I do agree that you should do them all together unless you need to spread them out so you can build up strength. 🙂 I am doing them all at once maybe with 1-2 min break between the videos.
See this article: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/05/ask-well-3-short-workouts-or-1-long-one/?_r=0 (“According to the latest science, not only do multiple short sessions of exercise generally provide the same health and fitness benefits as a comparable amount of exercise completed in one uninterrupted workout, but by some measures, the briefer bouts are better.”)
I personally think that doing them all at once also gives you a better after-burn effect (the time after the workout during which your metabolism stays elevated – the harder and longer you go, the longer your metabolism stays elevated.)
But if the only way you can work out is by spacing your workouts throughout the day do it, because it’s better than doing nothing.
Got it! SO excited! Put these workouts into my Tough Mudder Beast Mode workout calendar!
Do the yolo meals still count for this month? So like on Friday even though it doesn’t say it on the calendar can I eat one meal that is like a splurge meal?
Love the extra cardio in there, thanks Cassey!! So looking forward to finishing this! 😀
How often should we do the hot abs? I may just do it everyday so I can have some killer abs by the end of the month…
App not available on iPad either? It’s much easier to follow along with the bigger screen. Thanks,
I downloaded the iPhone app on my iPad and pressed the 2x button, I think it’s ok.
Day 1 KILLED ME! But I’ll keep going!
Can anybody help me… monday’s “new workout” is supposed to be the new workouts Caseey adds every monday??
I think it is.. we’ll find out tomorrow! Good luck!
I don’t get it either!
Yupp! She’ll add a new workout each monday to the playlist! Stay tuned 🙂
Okay, so I’m gonna ask a question, I feel stupid asking it, but here it is : when you write “sign” at the end of each day, is it to put our name or what ? (I’m French so sometimes words get messed up with others :/)
Anyway ! Thak you for the sweatember calendar. It feels amazing once the sweat is gone 😉
yes that’s right 🙂 just so you know you’ve done it x
From what I understand, it’s to proudly sign your name to it – owning that workout and proving you did it, 😀
Okay, thank you very much guys 🙂
it’s a shame we have to pay monthly for the calender on the app, blogilates is the best thing to happen to me and i love how everything is free, not liking having to start paying to stay fit 🙁
isn’t this calender for free? sorry, i’m new at this 😉
It is optional though – we still get everything we had before for free!
And yes, Ivona, this calender is free. If you want the one on the new app, though, there’s a small fee.
Tnx Sarah! This is amazing and motivating, and Cassey is just fascinating! 🙂 I really hope the hard work will pay off 🙂
You’re welcome! And it will, trust me. 😛 Doing Cassey’s workouts I see improvement every week. I still have a long way to go, but it’s a journey and I’m enjoying the trip. Hope you do too! 😀
It is hard for me to stay optimistic..the thought that I’ll never acomplish what I want demotivates me so easily… :/
plz make that app on android
plz T_T !!
What does the “new workout” mean on Mondays?????
Cassey uploads new workout video every Monday so what she uploads,we must do it 🙂
Wait so we have to buy the calendar if we want it on our phone?
I guess you can add the picture on your phone but if you want directly the playlists each days, yes you have to pay. (well, that’s what I understood)
Just wanted to say in terms of the calendar and the app:
I haven’t followed the calendars in a while and decided this month I would stick to it. I did three of the five videos for day one and was ready to quit for today, drenched in sweat, and not able to do a lot with the planks. HOWEVER, then I went onto the blogilates app and started looking through the forums of photos and it seriously gave me the motivation to do more. The feeling of “not alone in this” and just seeing so many others completing the workout wanting to do better for themselves made me open my laptop back up and finish for the day. I had to take breaks during the videos- but I did it. Now I am one step closer to my goal.
Don’t worry, you were definitely NOT the only one covered in sweat and ready to give up. I have to admit I didn’t do the last one, I started it but then I almost died so I stopped ^^
by the last video I was mostly just rolling about on the floor sweating profusely ha 🙂
Awesome! We also have a September fitness calendar at My Dream Shape 🙂 Check it out http://www.mydreamshape.com/fit-4-september. There is also a GIVEAWAY! Win a Gymboss or a Metabolic Cooking System 🙂
Cassey could you please make an Android version of the app? That would be amazing! Defs excited for Sweatember, BRING IT ON 😀
A little while ago I finished. I thought it would be worse, but even so I was pretty sweat. I’m looking forward to tomorrow and a new video.
OMG day 1 killed me. I am sosososo tired but I feel great. I haven’t been working out last week bc laziness and I forgot how working out makes me feel: GREAT.
Hi Cassey 🙂
WOW! Just did the first day of september, are you crazy!! I was BURNING! But it felt SO good 🙂 You are so inspiring, and you really keeps me going. So THANK YOU! Quick question: Do I have to pay money to join the Dietbet? Or should I just do the workout calender?
got it and printed! whoaaaa so excited to start a new month of workouts! <3
Yay! SO much cardio! I love cardio more than other workouts! And September is my birthday month so I wanted to be fitter by my birthday. You just showed me the way! I just hope to follow it perfectly. Some days I’m just too tired after college but I atleast get 4kms-6kms of walk each day.
Thank you Cassey!
Thank you for the calendar, it’s awesome! All this cardio combined with my return to the crazy student-life… I’m going to die.
Good luck to all POPsters, have a great september ! Sweat sweat sweat!
I am starting the beginners calendar tomorrow as I am new to all of this but I’m wondering if the sweatember calendar would be better for me as I have approx 2 stone I want to lose but I also want to tone up..
Should I stick to one calendar or should I try and combine the two?
Please help!
Thank you
Is it allowed to do half of the workouts in the morning and the other half in the evening? Or do I have to do them altogether?
I’m really happy, that this month is cardio!!!
Cuz I want to see how my muscles look without that layer of fat!!!! 😀
so looking forward to this month! but I don’t own an iPhone, how would I go about getting the 100 hot abs video? I can’t seem to find it on shopblogilates 🙁 also, will I have to search and make my own playlist for this month’s exercises? coz I don’t have an iPhone? thanks 🙂
The whole month of cardio? I hate it. I do pilates to build and strengthen my muscles. I don’t need extra aerobic exercise.
So no the rest day?I was in holiday and I didn`t workout and I want to know if it`s because of DietBet or is for every month?
Sorry I didn`t watch well! :))
Friday is sorta a rest day. It’s only stretching which is what I normally do on a rest day anyway!
Soooo exited!! thank you Cassey!!
WHAAAT? Wasn’t today the extra rest day? i’m not prepared for all that cardio! also because i used to do cardio on friday and leave sunday as my rest day!!!
BY THE WAY i’m soooo exited about this calendar i will get into it with all myself!
Love the app, love you Cassey!!
CAN someone please help me !!! I’m going to begin school the 3rd so i’ll have to wake up early to catch The bus (6:15am) and be back home at (6pm). Plus i need about a hour to do my homeworks !! I don’t know when i’ll be able to do pilates ?? And i don’t wanna stop pilates so if a popster could help me…
Thank you 🙂
I’ve taken to waking up super early (4:30) to get my workout in.. but that isn’t for everyone and in general I run on quite little sleep -about 6 hours.
Sometimes I really just don’t feel up for it in the morning so I leave it for after work, but I find that harder since Im usually quite exhausted but I just do it anyway.
You just have to find what works for you, if you love it you just have to make it work and make time for it. It takes effort, but it’s worth it 🙂
Thank you for The advice 🙂
I’ll do that ! ’cause it worth it !!
I think you should try waking up earlier too… Believe it or not you’ll feel amazing even if you’re lazy. I used to do this myself it made me feel so energized throughout the day. I actually believe working out in the morning is the best time of the day to get your workout done because it makes you feel so full of life and energy. If you”re really determined, I really would encourage that you push yourself every morning… You wont regret it!!!
Hey Lea,
I can really understand where you’re coming from. I also have a hectic schedule with 5:30am wake ups and some days I don’t get home till 6:30pm (and it takes me a lot longer than an hour to get my study done). I’ve found that it’s possible to do whatever I consider important, but it may mean giving up other activities (internet surfing, TV, hobbies, etc). On the days when I’m particularly short on time, I split up the workout and maybe do one video portion during a study break, the next during the next one, etc. and I skip the intro and ending of Cassey’s videos and just watch the workout (sorry Cassey! we love you – this is only if I have literally no time). This isn’t ideal, but at least I get my workout in without sacrificing grades or too much sleep. Cheering you on!
Hi! I am going to school in 3rd too! 🙂
I really enjoy do pilates at about 8pm! I mean the summer program but now I think I`m gonna do it earlier at 5pm.. You can try it at 8 if you can…
And I`m thinking of doing a 10 minutes exercise in the morning so I need to wake am at about 6am but my bus is at 6:50 so I have time to do this & to dress up and I don`t know if you have… Anyway try at 8! :))
Good luck! :-*
You should have no problem getting a workout in with only one hour of homework…I have up to 8 on an average day and I dance every day and have other school clubs and volunteering too. Yes, I get about 3 hours of sleep a night, but some things just have to be done whether we like it or not.
Quick Question:
Do you check off each box, or choose one workout? Not sure how the calendar works. New to me!
You do all the workouts. Then if you are done you check off the box next to the workout and then sign it at the end of the day.
Good Luck~
you do all the workouts, so check off each box 🙂
So I already bet in my $25 but now I just realized what if I lost the fat but gained weight because of the muscle i’ve gained at the end of the month T___T”
Then instead of a weight, do measurements. But if you’re 150 pounds, if you’re doing it right you should at LEAST lose 10 with a clean diet and trust me you will not be 150 pounds of muscle if you are doing cassey’s workouts. You will lose a lot of fat and lean out. But if you are already slim, aim for measurements instead (realistic ones too please!!!)
So good! n.n Tthis is so nice Cassey! I’m definitely more a cardio person than a strenght one, I figured that out today ’cause it was saturday-cardio and I definitely find it more energizing. Hope I can get all the videos done, though I’m also starting school and I’m sure it’ll be hard, but… what the heck! I love working out! 😉
Hopefully this month is gonna be awesome (for sure) for everyone! n.n
Good luck to everyone and have fun!
Hey Cassey, on the POP HIIT days could you please post the printable there as well? (not just the video) … not a big deal to go and find it myself, but it would be helpful! Thanks! 🙂
I am so excited about all the cardio this month! BURN THE FAT! YYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAHHH!
Kinda bummed there’s no “diet” to follow like August, but we’ll manage 😉 Thanks Cassey! I took a 10 day break vacation, im so lazy but looking forward to tomorrow!
Thank you Cassey! Can’t wait to start this tomorrow 😀
Glad to hear that Blogilates is the #1 app!!
Do I do all the workout everyday or only choose one of our choice in the calendar each day?
You need to do every single workout that is listed 🙂 Have Fun!
you do all the workouts every day 🙂
This is insane!! 4 days of cardio every week! That’s going to be hell coupled with all my dance classes. I’m actually already burnt out doing the August calendar
i love that you included more cardio this month! 🙂
me too . . . everybody is complaining about it, but i love so much cardio! I also run at school about 3 miles every day so i am not able to complete ALL of the workouts, but i do about 80% of what she posts one time or another. Eventually i will do the entire thing, you know? gonna go do today’s workout, and tomorrow’s so i can have a rest day tomorrow!
Just wanted to say THANKS! This is awesome and just what I wanted 🙂 Excited to try it for the first time!
I love you, Cassy! Thanks so much for the WO calendar!
Extremely Excited! My only question is what is a Food Baby?
Cassey explains it in the beginning of the Food Baby WO video:)
Just watch her workout video, there it is explained 😀
When you eat a lot of food so your abdomen swells out like you’re pregnant.
Hi Cassey I want to lose weight I am 5’2 and I weight 138-142 pounds. I am going to start your September workout. My only question is while doing your exercises should we join gym also and since I want to lose my weight so badly can I only eat fruits and vegetable and drink only water for this whole September. Cassey I have really big calf.. My main problem is my legs, thigh butt arms and most importantly my calf I have really big calf which makes my leg look sooo fat and ugly… Please help me out I really want to get rid of all these fat stored in my body. Please can u make a foot chart with timing on it for me please it is a big request…
Not Cassey but I hope I can help! Cassey already has a few meal plans (I’ll link one here). The main thing on the diets is to drink lots of water (no fizzy drinks!) and stay away from all those fatty foods and desserts. I tihnk smaller portion sizes is on there too. She also has ‘Cheap Clean Eats’ on her channel; You should definitely check those out. They’re so yummy! Stick to the workouts and you’ll loose fat in no time! But don’t worry if you need to pause the videos to catch your breath back!
Good luck, Eva!!
Also if you are new to Blogilates, I would suggest the beginner calender as it will teach you all the basic moves in pilates.
For the “Hot Abs 100” video, if we purchase the $1 a month calendar on the app will we still have to purchase the video separately or will it be included when we buy the monthly calendar? Thanks! 🙂
Hi Cassey, thank you so much for these calendars. Their colorful nature really brightens up my day and makes me feel READY to work out and sweat it out! Do you also make these with picasa? I’d like to tone up my graphic drawing skills too and I think these are super cute and awesome!
Also, I’m begging for the app to be released for android. I died a little inside when I couldn’t find it in the app store!
I’m new here and I want to start the dietbet as well. But I was wondering should I start off with this or do I do the beginner’s workout??
Well this is my second month on POP Pilates and I did the beginners calendar first… I thought it was definitely a good way to get into the whole system and to help train and prepare my body for what is to come when I do my first ‘proper’ calendar this month… 🙂 This is just what worked for me though
If you new in blogilates, I would definitely recommended to start with beginners calendar. It’s easier to start with and the next month you will have a strength to do monthly calendar!
IWhen I got the email with the password I cursed joyed!! As in “F yeah!!” Soooo excited!!
Thanks a lot! When will there be an app for android?
yeeees android app please!!! i was so bummed out when i heard its only an iphone thing….
This calendar is a guide to lose weight faster. That’s why is called sweatember, which also has a diet bet going on so that’s why there’s more cardio. I’m sure those if you not wanting to lose weight could modify it just omit the cardio parts. Good luck to everyone, no matter what your goals are, I hope you can achieve them!!!:-)
Woo hoo! My first monthly calendar! Hopefully I can keep up, wish me luck! : P
It’s my first one too! Good luck!
Good luck! 😉
Me too Hannah, I think we finished the beginners calendar at the same time 🙂 time to get stuck in! Good luck with yours x
Thank you Cassey for making this a printer friendly calendar!! I am excited to do all of these workouts!! Going to Jamaica in October, so this is perfect for me. I love that there is more cardio this month because last month was pretty easy. Just like June, I expected there to be harder workouts. This month is diet bet, so to those who think this is too much cardio, perhaps follow a different monthly calendar 🙂
I can’t wait for tomorrow! Leeeeeeeet’s start the workout! Xxx
Hey Cassey!
Is it possible to make the days movable before you print the calendar. Like if I wanted to have my YOLO meal or stretch day on another day of the week, is there any way to move the routines around and then print?
Just wondering.
Thanks for everything!
Hey girl! You can manually move days around in your head or write them down so you don’t forget. I know that I have to sometimes move around my rest days, depending on my schedule, and I just make a note of how I switched them around. Good luck!
If you like handicrafts it can be fun! You just need a nice colour cardboard, scissors and glue or scotch tape.
Otherwise, Photoshop (or similar program) is your friend. 😉 You can have some fun with this too and it’s really easy to do, just select what want to change, cut and paste.
OMG!!!I have been waiting for the calendar for so long,i was literally counting the days till september 1st. And now Im so so so excited.I cant wait till tomorrow to start with the workouts.Thank you Cassey so much <3
I’m so excited. I’m going on holidays this month, but I’m still going to get my workouts in.
congrats on the app, number 1 that’s AH-MAZING. You are len… wait for it… dary! I can’t wait for it to coming out on android.
This month I do the work out plan. I hope I’m able to do all the work outs and get to the end of the month. And hopefully the app will be available for android phones soon!
Going to try and do as many as I can for the workouts. I am currently pregnant (but doctors are still allowing me to do my Pilates) so I might have to substitute some workouts with those for your legs, arms, or the ones for beginners! 🙂
Well on behalf of everyone who does not live in America, I was to say A MAJOR THANK YOU for putting the calendar up earlier. It shows that you really care about ALL us POPsters around the world. 🙂
And this calendar looks wild. I personally am not a big fan of cardio, but maybe I’ll grow to love it over the next month (or hate it even more haha). Though Mondays look insane. POP HIITs are killers on their own so I have no idea how it’s possible to do that and a new video, but I’m eager to find out. Want to start the new school year with a bang and this’ll help me do it.
THANK YOU CASSEY! Lots of love from Latvia!
PS. Can’t wait for the Android version of the app. I just need it on my phone! 🙂
I’m so ready and even if I had a little time to do it ill skip some vids just on purpose that’s if I was so busy. But I’m really looking foreword in this sweatember like I feel I’m gonna lose those bad fats and muscles will show. Yay. Love you Cassey.
Hey! I am so excited to start next months calander but I cannot print this version it comes out wat to big. Any suggestions?
See if your printer dialogue box includes a “fit to screen” option.
What should I do about all this cardio? I know others are mentioning how it is alot but I just finished the beginner calendar today and I am one who is a very tiny person to begin with who is very out of shape and is trying to gain muscle weight. Would this be too much cardio in the end?
Thanks Cassey! Love you!
I’m sorry that other people are having trouble with all of the cardio, but I for one am super happy to have more than 1 or 2 days of cardio a week!!
I guess it’s hard for Cassey to please everyone.
You are right she cannot please everyone. I am happy too to have a lot of cardio because I want to lose weight.
where can we access the free meal plans?
up there ^^^^^^ in the top menu thingy.
How am I supposed to do this much without my mom finding out? :/ I don’t have a closed room to do it in. And these workouts are gonna take a long time :/
Why can’t your mom find out?
Im sure your mom will understand that you want to workout and get fit!
Find a nearby park to workout in! 🙂
Why can’t your mom find out?
I like that there is more cardio, but for example septemper 1 has too much cardio. I don’t think I will be able to do that much.. It would be much better to combine cardio with pilates exercises.
I’m sorry to say this amount of cardio is kinda ridiculous, I don’t want to lose weight I just want to build muscle. Plus I already have so many other cardio commitments like team sports 3x a week for an hour. Does anyone have any subs? Or suggestions
because I would still like to continue with a calendar.
I can’t do this much cardio either, i’m recovering from an eating disorder and trying to gain weight! On high cardio days I sub a few of the cardio videos (or moves) for my favourite strength exercises 🙂 hope I can help!
god bless you!
Thank you, you really have good luck with recovering x
agreed! <3
thank you so much! 🙂 good luck to you all with the calendar, I hope you find a way to make it work! x
if it is too much, or you have other sports like you said then just do what you can do each day. you don’t have to do everything. It is just designed to be able to have one hour of exercise.
I’m in the same boat. I will probably do an hour of yoga for the Monday and Thursday workouts to replace the cardio. We don’t need to do everything exactly as it says on the calender, it’s just a guideline. Modify it to fit you!
If I were you I wouldnt replace Monday’s POP HIITs, yes, they are a lot of cardio, but they have some serious muscle work too! POP HIIT 8 left my thighs sore for days! Those workouts are really so amazing for building muscles and toning 🙂
Thank you I don’t think I will replace them, they are an awesome mix I think
I freakin love cardio it’s so much fun and i sweat a lot 🙂 thank you and guys if you don’t want to do so much cardio just change it with other videos :p and cardio don’t just help you lose weight it’s good for your health and soul and heart of course , if you don’t want to loose weight with doing a lot of cardio just eat more 😀
Thank you for the advice! I will do that. I will do a combination of different videos and still include Cassey’s videos! I have to modify because I started school and I will do the best better than nothing!
That’s what I’ve been doing since the first day I decided to workout on my own, be it at home or wherever (in my city September and October are the perfect months to workout at the beach, around 7 pm when there’s almost noone there and it’s not cold yet).
Even now I check the videos of the day and if there’s something I don’t like or that doesn’t fit my needs I simply change it. Cassey has sooo many vids you can build your own calendar! Some days I’ve even worked out for 1 1/2 or 2 hours because I couldn’t decide what vids to take, so I took all that I liked and fitted my needs that day.