14-Day Quarantine Workout Plan

Umm, wow. The last few days have been pandemonium here in the US.
I went to Costco on Thursday and 3 huge lines wrapped all the way to the back of the store where the dairy was. People had to get in a separate line for toilet paper and water, and that line wrapped around the outside of the store. Oh, and I could NOT even get a single disinfectant wipe. Anything hygiene related was OUT. The worst part was, people were being super rude, pushy, and just plain nasty to me and one other. In a time like this, I feel like we should all be trying to help each other more…

So then I went to 99 Ranch (an Asian supermarket) hoping things would be better there. Lines were long, but they weren’t as bad as Costco…however…ALL THE RICE WAS GONE.
My sister told me that when she went to Trader Joes, the frozen food aisle was empty. Like, apocalypse empty! So eerie to see images like this…
And then just tonight, the Mayor of Los Angeles declared that all gyms and fitness centers be closed until March 31st!!!!

Well you guys, as sad as I am about not being able to go to the gym, at least we can still work out at home! The crazy thing is – just about 3 hours before I got the alert from The LA Times about the whole gym shutdown order in our city, I had already prepared a 14-day Quarantine Workout Plan – as suggested by YOU GUYS!
Here's what your 14-Day Anti-Coronavirus Workout Plan looks like:
DAY 1: Quarantine Cardio – See Demo
DAY 2: Anti-Covid Abs – See Demo
DAY 3: Sleek & Sanitized Arms – See Demo
DAY 4: Plump Pandemic Booty – See Demo
DAY 5: Long, Lean, & Clean Legs – See Demo
DAY 6: Empty Shelves Sculpt – See Demo
DAY 7: Social Distance Stretches in Bed – See Demo
DAY 8: Quiet Cardio – See Demo
DAY 9: No More Corona Core – See Demo
DAY 10: Couch Potato Upper Body – See Demo
DAY 11: Never Bored Booty – See Demo
DAY 12: Not Out of Stock Thighs – See Demo
DAY 13: Toned Unlike Toilet Paper Total Body – See Demo
Day 14: Stop Hoarding Start Stretching – See Demo
To get a 25-30 min workout in each day, do each circuit 4 times through! Give yourself a 1 minute rest between rounds to catch your breath and drink water. And make sure to check off each workout as you finish the day’s circuit!
I designed each workout to be apartment friendly so that you’re not driving your neighbors insane! So, no jumping! But I promise that you will still sweat and be sore the next day. That’s how we do.
Also, I will be posting the demos every day on my Instagram @Blogilates. So make sure you follow me there so you can see how to do the moves properly.
Please stay safe everyone!!! I’m wishing you and your family health and strength to get through this hard (and very weird) time.
152 thoughts on “14-Day Quarantine Workout Plan”
There are 152 comments posted by our users.
Cassey!! Thank you SO much for creating this workout plan! It is absolutely perfect for me right now as I am currently under a 14-day mandatory quarantine in Canada since I’m visiting my family up here. I just finished Day 6 and it’s honestly been so nice just to have this plan to keep me accountable (and sane!) while I’m stuck inside. I get a good sweat on every time and feeling the soreness the next day, woop woop! Thanks again, you rock and keep doing you no matter what the haters say. We love you!
Its really working…thanks to you cassey, i lost 12 kg..
I will begin today inchallah, i m samira from Algeria, thanks
I live in a top floor apartment which is very old and therefore very noisy and I work shifts in a hospital which means it can be difficult to motivate myself to do this outside of work- especially since covid. This is perfect solution so want to thank you so much! Easy to fit in around my life, quick and convinient, yet really feel the burn!
I’m doing this together with Cassey’s 100 abs and 100 glutes challenge, AND I’M DYING!!! I’m currently on Day 3. I never experienced this much leg and arm shaking until after finishing 4 rounds of the quarantine workout. THANK YOU SO MUCH CASSEY FOR THE WORKOUT PLAN! Everyday I feel more accomplished and productive after finishing the workouts before I study!
This is excellent, I’ve actually passed this on to some of my clients. Thanks for the work you put into this!
Yes, just don’t over do it.
Is it okay for teenage girls to do your workouts??? I am 13 and i love you and your workouts but not sure if they are good for me and if i am allowed?
Yes, just don’t over do it
It has been quite insane. The food situation is crazy. I couldn’t find flour yeast eggs occasionally and rice and beans even! With this pandemic for infection I’ve felt at ease though. When I started my fitness journey I discovered through the world health organization and the EPA how traditional chemical cleaners, that are considered hazardous waste when you take them to the dump contribute to health conditions. So ever since then I’ve been using Norwex in my home, with my family and on the go out and about. You can check out efficacy here https://youtu.be/KcSUXai9cts . and it’s approved by the federal entity how’s you to print it on your packaging and has put them through rigorous lab testing, to remove 99.9% of bacteria from the surface with proper use and care, using only using water. Thank you for all the videos and recipes you provide. I’m even considering going vegetarian but for now I’m only eating Meats according to my heritage. So I wind up eating meat 1x week. I hope you are all staying safe and I look forward to more amazing videos and inspiration from the team. If I might add the only way I found you was looking for a video for my lower back pain on YouTube 8 years ago! You’re the best keep up the good work and you need to listen to Gary vee when haters try to bring you down. Virtual Hugs 🤗
I had to do some modification for the “couch potato arms” since I’m post-travel quarantined in my room without a couch (I used a desk chair/edge of bed and had to get on my knees for some moves for stability) but wow it worked! My shoulders are so sore they feel like they just got a flu shot injected right into the muscle…
Anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH for creating this, it’s been a really nice thing to add to my daily routine and making my quarantine go by a bit easier…
Hi Cassey, I’m new on your blog. I’m doing your workouts since last week. You’re my absolute favourite blogger. Your videos are amazing and you’re absolutely gorgeous<3.
I want to know if the April Calendar also includes, that I don't have a lot of movement throughout the day. Or should I do an additional cardio? Cause I'm not leaving the house at all. Love you.
This is sooo perfect. I love it.
Hey Casey! I’m a student so I’m currently studying from home. That means I’m sitting down for very long periods (around 6-7 hours) since I don’t even have to walk to class anymore. And when it comes the time to relax, I usually watch a movie or read a book, so more sitting and laying down. In consequence I’ve been getting back aches, headaches and feeling weird in general. Of course, this is because of the lack of movement, so I was wondering if you could recommend something for those of us who only want to stretch and get a bit active after sitting for very long periods of time but don’t really want abs or a big butt? Thanks!
Just discovers this. Love the no-jumping bit 😃
Would be great if the links were embedded (like in the April calendar).
Take car and I hope the stores are less crazy in LA now.
You are amazing thank you so much
I’m loving the names of these! My boyfriend and I really gotten out of the habit of working out (we were both living in China at the time of the outbreak, so we’ve been quarentined since January! Now back in the US and it’s here too… ) He did one of your workouts with me for the first time and loved it. I’m hoping to get him to do this 14 day quarentine workout with me! I’m so excited. Thanks so much for your videos, it’s really kept me going!
This is awesome! Thank you soooo much. It’s been 6 months since I’ve worked out and now am back at it during quarantine. Your workouts have been really helpful!
Cassey, thank you for the fun and motivating daily get going exercises. Im having problem with my slow meta but you always motivate to push on my goals…loose weight
Casey, thank you for the fun and motivating daily get going exercises. Im having problem with my slow meta but you always motivate to push on my goals…loose weight
Thank you Cassey! I just did Day 1 today after a couple of weeks of letting my usual strict routine lapse (vacation then isolation) and it was HARD! Love the variety and this is so appreciated during this awful time when everything is closed. I’m hoping to come out of this more fit than ever and ready to tackle Summer! Stay healthy! xx
This is amazing I’m excited to start the 14Day workout plan and my NEW health journey in REINVENTING A new myself lol. I pray GODs Blessings on your life, even more, Casey for being soo giving of yourself : )
Can you add the 14 day no more corna on youtube so I can do workouts on my tv?
Thank you Casey for the 14 day plan! A great workout while cooped up in my place. Stay healthy and safe.
Hi Casey, I recently discovered Blogilates and I am in awe. Thank you so much for this super fun workout challenge.
Hi Cassey I enjoy reading your blog.i recently created my own blog n hope we can connect our blogs.regards,Nessy
I’s so bad in Virginia…where i live. My school was supposed to be shut down for 3 weeks but now it’s out for the rest of the school year. Which is 2 whole months and 2 full weeks and 3 days. I’m SO mad about this…like we can’t continue to work and do school from home. If everyone would just stay inside and not hang out with people outside the house then the virus would pass faster..cause there is noone to give it to. BE SMART PEOPLE!!!!!
Influencers should be motivating people not to clear out the stores. It’s unfortunate you’re on the bandwagon to help in clearing out the stores. Realize that people who are poor suffer the most in this situation. Some people can only shop for a week at a time. The worst you can do is purchase everything and leave certain minorities with nothing.
Thank you very much! this training will bring us lots of hapiness in France!
Unfortunately, the same things happen here. Some people seem to be ignorant of the possible dangers, others have bought extremely large quantities of various things without taking into account other people’s needs too. Hello from Greece!!
Hi! Do you have live demonstrations for these?
I think she did a live stream for one of them at least, and then there are the demos (right below the image of the schedule, on the side of the first three days workouts), and if you go on her instagram page it has a couple more demos too. I’m not sure if there are otherwise live demonstrations though.
Scroll down just below the calendar to the list of workout titles and click on the word Demo.
Hi Cassey! Thank you so much for posting this. I am wondering if you would consider creating something that young kids/families can do together that might be at the SUPER BEGINNER level? 🙂 No pressure at all, but I thought I’d go ahead and ask. I will be adding this to our daily “homeschooling” time and am excited to get fit as a family! Thank you again and I so enjoy your videos and instagram. Lots of love during the times of Covid19 from Thailand! -melody
Am so blessed to find you 😢❤️❤️
Are we supposed to follow this quarantine workout WITH the regular march workout or just follow this new one? 🙂 love from Belgium! xoxo stay safe
I just started getting into your videos and blog. I had heard of blogilates for awhile now. It just made sense to be something I could do. I just found this and am excited to give it a go! My kids are out of school until April 13. We are in rural Georgia with cases about 30 minutes away. I’m hunkered down since I am immunocompromised.
I’m loooving the workouts! I usually add some of the 12-minute workouts and 30-min hula hoop. the only problem is that Europe seems to be a day forward so the demos are a bit late for me;)
Huge fan of you Cassey since 2014! Wow and I thought things were crazy over here in the Midwest! Our Costco was also out of toilet paper and at Walmart, people were stealing from each other’s baskets. I can’t g t my local gym either. I didn’t check if ti was closed but maybe it is. I will definitely be doing this at home workout.
Your amazing the names of the workouts had me crying
Hi, can you post your demos on YouTube for those of us who don’t have an Instagram?
Thanks Jill, just about to request this!
great quarantine workouts but I miss the whole workouts I didn”t realize how much you motivate me with your words. Miss you cant wait till your back with new videos
I felt the same way! I didn’t realize how much I needed Cassey until I didn’t have her to work out with!
Hi I’m logged in, how come I’m not able to click on the workout and have it take me to the video? Thanks!
I love this so much ❤️
Thank you for this Cassey. My gym closed today so I’m going to do more workouts at home.
You’re literally so amazing,,, thankyouuu sm for this 🙂
So can the March calendar workouts be replaced by these? x
I would also like the calenders to be like this. 😊
You are a lifesaver!! This is the best. Thank you so much for thinking of us 🙂
Can you upload this workout to the app?
I LOVE THIS! Thank you, Cassey! I have been living in LA for college for the past number of months, but have moved back home to my small town in the MidWest because of the virus. I’ve been staying inside as much as humanly possible because I don’t want to risk spreading anything I don’t even know that I have! Your workout plan has allowed me to keep moving my body and staying active during this tough time. Thank you, again! <3
What do u mean by 4 rounds each circuit??
do the list 4x
Do u do do it in a row or space it out between the day??
Love this and trying to follow, but I think the demo for each day needs to be released the night before. I don’t know what some of the moves are and I’m 2 hours ahead of Cali. I’d like to workout, but I’m going to do something other than this plan, because I don’t want to wait until the afternoon to do so. Please Cassey, release demos night before?
I love this so much.. Would you please give some advices for good music to this workout? Thank you for doing this for us.
“toned unlike toilet paper” love how you put your frustration in to humor! super fun calendar, thanks cassey!
I’ve just done the cardio! And I’m feeling so energised!! Thank you Cassey so much! I’m from Poland and all gyms are closed:( This workout plan is exactly what I needed! Will you make demo for other days as well? Please do!
Hi Cassey! Thank you for that! I wanted to start right now, but I can’t visualise the videos!!! Why?
Just did the day 1 workout with my husband (we’re from Indonesia!hiii!) Gyms aren’t closed down yet here, but we’re too paranoid so thank you so much for this!
You are welcome!
I feel like I need a new music playlist for this new workout routine!
I don’t have an Instagram account but am a long time subscriber to you Cassey Blogilates
Hi Cassey! Thank you for the 14 day plan! I’m not able to download it though 🙁
Hmm what’s happening? You should be able to click on it!
Thanks, Cassey! I wasn’t able to download the image though. It only offers a webpage, not a jpg or pdf.
Ok just fixed!
I am so down for that. Horrifying i have gotten myself back into 2000’s dance tracks.
Thank you so much!! I’m not in my home during the confinement and I was like will I have to take a break from workout because of no equipment and the noise? Now I have no excuse to continue my workout journey! Thank you so much for make it happen and bringing so much positive vibes in my life!
You are so welcome!
I don’t know how to do those moves :'(
Cassey I couldn’t agree with you more about this being a time of UNITY. Rather than hoarding more of wat you need, I believe in my heart this is a time to share with those less fortunate or at least donate to food banks , churches, local food authorities, etc. When I read what Cassey put about the behavior of those rude individuals, it made me upset. And besides that, if you’re smart, you should keep at least 3 feet of distance from others. Especially in big crowds….
BTW Cassey I love the titles you made for each exercise. Very cute funny and witty. Keep doing wat u do ur my hero
Haha glad you liked 😛
Is this in addition to the March calendar? Thanks for always thinking of us and working to grant our requests.
I think you could just do this! Pick one or the other.
Oh thank god! Lol
I have to agree it’s been a crazy time. I thank you for making this chart it makes it easier to release stress, and to give me something to do during this weird time. Also, I have never really always updated or ever had the courage to comment, but please let me say you are awesome! I have done your workouts which have helped me through hard times. I hope everyone on here is safe, and let’s rock these workouts together!
Stay safe! Thank you for doing my workouts.
Thank you so much for the workout. I must stay 14 days of quarantine at home. I definitely would go crazy without workout. You bring a bit sunshine in these 14 days. 👍
I am happy to hear this!
How can I print this. I don’t see a link or pdf.
Ok just fixed this!
Thanks Cassey! I was already planning on doing my normal workouts from home, using my March calendar that I printed out from here, and then I saw this one! I agree that people are freaking out! And all I wanna know is, why are people stocking up on so much toilet paper?! Are they planning on eating it?! C’mon y’all!! The more you take, the less someone else can get! Therefore, you are putting them at risk because of your grief!! I am saddened and disheartened by peoples’ behaviors and reactions! WE SHOULD BE BETTER THAN THIS!! And we CAN do better than this! Well, time for me to TAKE IT TO THE MAT! THX Cassey! Stay safe and be well! Big hug and tons of love!! 💕xoxoJJ
Yeah people are CRAZYYYYYY
This is perfect. Something that will definitely keep us busy for a bit and we won’t be making too much noise 😂 but it will be great to busy a sweat at home.
Nope, not too much noise!
Love the names of the workout plans! lol! Thank you for this and the laughs. My family and I needed that!
HEHEHE glad u like!
Thank you for doing this! Dedicating time to myself everyday since schools are closed! Xoxo
Thanks Cassie. At least we’ll look good!
You are a treasure Cassey
Hi Cassey! This is a great idea, thanks for taking the time to put it together! However, I got your email and clicked the button to come here, but I am not able to download it…it just takes me to this post. Is there a way I can get it as a PDF? Thank you!
Ok just fixed this!
thank you!! i did day 1, it was great!! 🙂
Thank you thank you!
is this program safe for pregnant women? Do you have plans to publish prenatal monthly or weekly programs?
You are so helpfull in these days, love this calendar!! I’m missing being outside or going to the gym already… These weeks will be tough, but we’re all in this together !!
Yeah we gotta do this together!
I’m so looking forward to staying at home with these new workouts! 🙂
How to actually print the 14 day workout calendar?
Just fixed this!
Cassey, you hear my thougts! Gyms in my country have been closed about a week now, and we have been in a homeschool mood for a while. It is crazy, and I am loosing my mind. Beeing mentally ill and living in quarantine does not work well together…
Hey Annie, I hope this is over soon and I’m sorry that you haven’t been able to do much do to this quarantine. May I suggest you listen to different music you are use to? It may help be rid of the tension around and so on. Stay safe and rock on!
Thanks a lot! The image appears to not be downloadable though. When I try to save it, it wants to save as a webp file and when I change this to png the file is corrupted. Was able to print it out by opening in new tab and then printing the whole page, but just to let you know, if that’s something you can fix on your side.
Ok just fixed!
Thank you so much for this – quarantine is driving me crazy and having a training plan really helps! 🙂
Thank you for coming up with this. The situation is crazy everywhere so we have to make the positives ourselves. I’m taking this quarantine as a chance to try and improve my health. Your 14 program is exactly what I needed !
so are we going to do this before the workouts on monthly calendar?
You could do one or the other!
Thanks so much! This is great. I understandably people get nervous, but pandemonium isn’t the answer. Just be mindful, clean and kind! Thanks again
Thank you so, so much, I was just looking for something like this, you made my day! I’m sorry those people were so mean to you, I feel like its been happening everywhere I go too 🙁
So weird…
Thank you for this and making it apartment friendly! <3 from Colorado!
Can you do a YouTube video for each of the 14 days quarantine workout? I would feel more motivated to do it with you.
In that case, you can download the March calendar!
Love this!! But those boots though!! What brand are they?? I love them!!!
In Malaysia, we just received our two weeks off from work due to corona!!! AND THIS CAME TO MY MAIL AT THE RIGHT TIME. THANK U SO MUCH CASSEYY. GONNA TRY THIS ONE SOON!
This is such a blessing right now. I’m excited to have a new work out to do
Hi Casey,
I had a little doubt. When you say 4 circuits, is it same as reps? Meaning on the day of quarantine cardio, it would be squat-touches * 25 * 4?
Like do 4 rounds of exactly what I have written. So yes you will end up doing 100 squat touches but 25 at a time. And 7 moves apart.
You made my day 🙂
How do we download this calendar?
Just fixed it!
Thank you thank you thank you. It’s so hard to even think about fitness right now.. having to work from home PLUS having the kids there, too.. not allowed to go to the playgrounds etc, are you an absolute life saver with this. I will definitely follow along. Keep safe and healthy <3
Love this!! Just what I need. Thanks for taking the time to plan it out.
the custom titles for each day workout made me die 😂 thank you for that!
HAHAHA glad u like
Thank you for this, Cassey! I am sorry that you had to deal with the rudeness and mayhem.. But you have made my and my boyfriend’s quarantine teleweek/s! Stay healthy and awesome xoxo
I don’t have a printer at home :’-( Is there a fillable pdf download for this? Sorry to bother!!!
Just fixed the download!
Hello from Romania! Thank you so much for uploading this, I haven’t gotten out of my house for 11 days, so any chance to do a workout is great for me. Stay safe <3
I love the idea! Even tough I don’t go to the gym since I work out at home, and follow your calendar or at least do your workouts, I will do this quarantine calendar as well. Thank YOU for still making fitness fun and enjoyable no matter what! The “group muscles” titles are hilarious, I had a good laugh. (Yes, it’s sad to see how people are going crazy, only caring about themselves!!!) Take care of your & your family, Cassey 🙂
I don’t have an Instagram can u out demos on YouTube channel as well?
Yes, please! I’m not on Instagram, either.
You don’t need instagram to watch the moves (unless Cassey does them on her story). I don’t, and have no problem. Just go to instagram.com/blogilates
You can just click on “see demo” and it will show you the video
Can you explain some exercises in a video because I don’t know them all?
Yes, I would love a video as well since I don’t have IG
Oh, never mind. I just saw she’ll be posting on YouTube as well 🙂
Wow, pretty much same here in Las Vegas. Went to El Super (Mex market) to buy one of those huge bags of beans and they were out. That never happens. Lady said it should restock on Tuesday. So right now while we can we’re trying to get to stores early for stuff we need, water, tp, etc. Thanks for the workouts! Will be praying for you and everyone in CA as it must be 10x crazier there 🌴😷
Do you have a dowload link, please??
Just fixed!
You are the absolute best! Thank you!!!