The 1000 Ab Challenge
The 1000 Ab Challenge
Sweat Time: —
Equipment Needed: —
Workout Type: —
Body Focus: —
Look at that nice surprise I have for you today 🙂 It is…the ONE THOUSAND AB CHALLENGE!
It’s 10 moves at 100 reps each for a total of 1000 reps! Yes, I am crazy. But so are you. So let’s do this. It’s going to be the best, most INTENSE ab sculpting routine there ever was. Use the hashtag #1000abchallenge so I know you did it! These are your 10 POP Pilates moves.
1. The Hundred warms up the core and gets your blood circulation going.
2. Make sure that you fully straighten your legs at the fullest extent of the Criss Cross. Also, shoulder to knee, not elbow to knee!
3. Place your hands in a triangle underneath your tailbone and make sure your low back is pressed into the mat. No hollow backs! Relax your head and shoulders.
4. This one is all about the obliques. Same elbow to same knee.
5. Press the heels together and point your toes. Elbows at ear height and left your chest as you crunch!
6. Keep your arms STRAIGHT in cha cha abs! Imagine that you are shimmying with your shoulders.
7. Press your palms into the mat. Lift your butt off the ground!
8. Make sure that both your shoulders and your butt is lifting simultaneously.
9. Twist! Make sure your shoulder comes off the mat and touch elbow to knee! Get ready for the hard version below…
10. Finally, the last move! Keep your leg straight as you twist! Almost there!
36 thoughts on “The 1000 Ab Challenge”
There are 36 comments posted by our users.
Oh my god! That was so freaking insane, I’m still fairly new to Pop Pilates (Still on the beginner’s calendar) and I thought that I’d give this one a try for a Sunday workout. I’m not disappointed! That was really hard, but really fulfilling! Thanks for making videos that challenge me Cassey!
I had to stop six times or so (2x: leg up crunch, reverse, and eagle), but I did this after not working with you for a year! The leg up straight crunch was definitely the hardest!!! I love us, thank you! I’m going to feel it tomorrow.
Hi Cassey, thanks for the workout! The single-leg drop was the hardest for me, started off easy but by the end I was feeling my thighs as well as my abs! Dividing it into 10 different moves definitely helps keep it interesting and helps you feel like you’re making progress. Keep it up!
So excited to try this. In school for physical education state testing I got the most sit ups in my grade! I’m ready to take on the challenge!
Love this! Thank you for coaching me through this fantastic workout. Didnt even have to leave the living room!
May I know what songs were playing for the entire challenge so I can use them as workout songs? ^~^
Love this set. I had a sneak rest during the eagle! But I paused and continued to the 100. Yeah!
Keep up the good work.
Hey Cassie u should do some more 1000s workouts like:
1000 butt
1000 arms
1000 love handles/ back
1000 obliques
1000 saddlebags
Just some ideas… Ps I luv u Cassie !!!!!
She already has a butt one, look up 1000 Squat Challenge 🙂
Can ALWAYS use some extra ab work! This is perfection for on-the-go too! Thanks!
Cheers, Mads
I’m following the June calendar and was so proud to have kept up with you on this!! My only pitfall is that eagle crunch…I can’t twist myself up like that! I just can’t figure it out to where it’s not killing my neck! Other than that (and I did push through that in a very “not so glamorous way”! I did skip the abs in the last video for Monday though…when you started that I said “oh, I just did 1000 abs, no way am I doing more!) THEN, when I went to do Tuesdays calendar and it was AB day, I about DIED! O.M.G! But, I did it all!!! Love your calendar!
It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be! Dividing it into 10 different moves makes the time go by faster, plus the breaks after each 100 helps. Also, the eagle was definitely the toughest one!
That was crazy! But I did it!
I am defiantly going to be sore tomorrow! 😀
Thanks so much Cassey!
I just did it! Thank you for being you, you are such a great inspiration to me. It was so hard but I loved it.
Hey, I keep doing ab workouts, and am sooo tired afterwards, but for some reason my abs never hurt…could this be a sign of bad form or something? Even with simple workouts like sit ups, I get tired, but my abs feel no soreness whatsoever…just wondering! Thanks!
I did it just now though i had to stop many times in between but i am glad i did it…:)
I just did it though i had to stop many times. It was hard but i am glad i did it…:)
So much hurt, I love it! Thank you!!!
I did the challenge a few minutes ago and it was great! I needed some breaks in between, but I didn´t give up!
You are beautiful and inspiring person and a huge rolemodel to me. I like your videos and u very much. I really loved this video too and I would like you to do long (30 min) whole body workout, please!
And is there a opportunity to get your cool Blogilates Maison Jars still somewhere, I would like to buy one!!
Love: Popster from Finland
This is awesome, my husband did it with me and died! 🙂 Those Eagle Abs are seriously killer. We are celebrating by having our first beach day today in Michigan!
I can’t do only those Eagle Abs, but I did all the others moves…..
It wasn’t as bad as I thought! As soon as I saw eagle crunches I was like.. fml seriously ab day is tomorrow too and my butt is still sore as anything from Sunday, but I completed it! It’s my first week back to the regular calendar after doing both beginner calendars, I’m so pumped I kept up! Last time I tried to go back to the regular calendar it was an epic failllll hahaha
Just finished this, what a challenge! I love it!
I almost, almost think I enjoy the 1000 squats more, but that’s because this was SO hard. The single leg drop and the leg up crunches so close together about killed me and then by the time I got to Eagle Abs, I thought, eh. I’m good at 700! But I kept going and while it was SUPER hard, that feeling when finishing was the best! To know I’d just done something so crazy and that so many other Popsters were doing the same right along with Cassey was just a neat club to be in yesterday. Loving the stretch project and loving all the new workouts Cassey! Thanks SO much for all your hard work and dedication. We love you!
Hey Cassey woooow I made it because of your support .Also because you allways say that it is also a mental thing.Thanks a lot
Love and hugs Wendy
I have to admit I HATE the eagle crunch! Couldn’t make it all through, it’s always kind of hard for me to breath while doing them… I did some other crunches instead. Love the video 🙂 Going to do it every Monday!
Cassie, I just love when you have new posts filled with fun moves to inspire me right before ab day!! I am so used to getting in a rut with the same old moves that work. You’re the best!
xx Jill
Just did it this morning and was SWEATAY! You go girl!
Ouch! But glad I did it! Thanks for the crazy hard challenges!
I just know this is going to be the pain! Haha
I tried this yesterday and it absolutely burned my core!!
Cassey, thank you so, so, much for all the love, dedication, and support you give to us POPsters. You put so much hard work into your career. This is coming from ALL of us. We love you!