Healthy Snack Ideas & How to Lose Weight without Stressing Out
Hey guys!
HAPPY MONDAY!!!! Here is your new 3 min Turbo Pilates BUTT WORKOUT!!
This week, I want you to focus on a non-weight related fitness goal. And a very specific one too. I want you to commit yourself to a goal like:
“I will work out for 30 min at least 3 times this week.”
“I will eat vegetables with EVERY meal this week.”
“I will do at least 1 Blogilates video, even if it’s the short 3 min one, every day this week.”
The reason why I want you to DEFOCUS yourself from saying “I want to lose 2 lbs this week” is because I don’t want you to get so hung over the most stressful part of the fitness journey. Losing weight is not fun. And some weeks you will be doing everything right and the scale will not budge. In fact, it may go up! That’s frustrating. I want you to know that the work you put in counts, and it counts as long as you’re not cheating and you’re sticking to a plan. I want you to concentrate on the action of getting there…not what happens when you get there. You will be so much happier and so much less stressed. Also, your fit body will fall into place. I promise. I want you to comment below and tell me what your specific goal is. That’s your first task 🙂 NOW!! I have a new #CHEAPCLEANEATS episode for you! Yay I am on a rolllll woohooooo!

These are grapes that are grown to taste like cotton candy! Once you bite into it, you will die of amazement! It messes with you so bad because the taste is SOOO unexpected! Go find some at your local grocery store. I have seen these at Whole Foods and Trader Joes.
1 banana
2 TBS nut butter
1 whole wheat or low carb tortilla
Directions: Slather peanut butter or your fave nut butter on your tortilla. Then roll up your peeled banana! Slice up into 8 pieces. It’s PERFECT!
1 fuji apple
2 TBS of nut butter
2 TBS dried cranberries
2 TBS of pistachios
Directions: Slice your apple into thin rings. De-core the center so that you don’t have seeds. Spread peanut butter or your fave nut butter on each slice. Them top with dried fruit and nuts. If you want, granola is also a great option here!
1 small package of fresh blueberries
1/2 C of honey greek yogurt or coconut yogurt
Directions: Dip your blueberries into the yogurt. Then once all covered, one by one, place them on a plate with parchment paper. Make sure they are not sticking together. Then freeze them for a few hours or until hardened.
Hope you try these snacks guys! They are soooooo good! If you make em, be sure to tag me in your pics so I can see! Also, don’t forget to tell me your specific non weight related fitness goal this week in the comments.
57 thoughts on “Healthy Snack Ideas & How to Lose Weight without Stressing Out”
There are 57 comments posted by our users.
Wondering… is popcorn not a healthy snack? Even if you eat it in moderation?
I cannot even believe the transformation. I have tried to lose weight many times in the past. Some things were somewhat successful, but it just seemed that I kept hitting a brick wall over the last year or so. I was pretty desperate by the time I made the choice to try this program what helped me lose 21 pounds in about 6 weeks
Watch the video on this website:
These snacks all raise your insulin levels because its all glucose in your bloodstream… so basically sugar. You won’t burn fat with all that glucose there. Eating fat, going low carb/low protein is the only way to become a fat burner! Otherwise you’ll always be craving sugar because that’s what your body uses for energy, not fat.
And your qualifications to state this are?
Anyone who has weight issues usually has insulin/leptin sensitivity issues and even a little bit of sugar can throw off their being able to burn fat instead of glucose. It’s a biological fact. Look up Maria Emmerich’s Ketogenic website for a ton of good info or Kat James who’s been teaching for over a couple decades about leptin sensitivity. It’s just so sad when people want to be at a healthy weight so badly and do all the “right” things but their body can’t handle as much sugar as the next person. This is also why diabetes and heart issues are so very high here in the States. Some people can’t even lose weight doing a Paleo diet because of the fruit and if you’re vegetarian, you really have to know a lot about nutrition to be able to supplement wisely since vegetables do not have all the healthy fats and nutrients your body must have. It IS possible to be vegetarian and do a ketogenic diet with supplementation. Basically when you eat a ketogenic diet, you don’t need snacks all the time because you have prolonged energy from the fats, your blood sugar level stays even and most people have a sense of calm because they aren’t constantly crashing and spiking their insulin response. Many professional athletes eat this way– even marathon runners! So basically, if you eat fruit, especially high sugar bananas, then you really aren’t doing anything different than if you were to eat a cookie instead– you will definitely have sugar cravings until your next “hit”! Going completely off of sugar and using stevia or monk fruit or xylitol to sweeten things will keep you from having an insulin response and still taste good!
There are tons of different ways to be healthy and burn fat. You’re talking about ketosis. When you take on a low protein and low carb diet so that your body thinks that the only option is to go for the fat around your body. Ketosis is very effective but although this is great for losing a lot of fat in a short amount of time it is not ‘the only way to become a fat burner’. If you are someone who exercises often (or just exercises at all) you need your carbs to give you energy and your proteins to repair/grow your muscles. Sorry but I thought I should mention this so people wouldn’t get scared away from these amazing snacks!
I don’t think you read my post.
I just wanted to let people know that these snacks are good before working out. Simple sugars are the body’s main source of energy after all. And I think the word ‘healthy’ is a common misconception, a lot of people think that it means ‘eat this and you will get skinny’ but it really just means that the food it is referring to is good for over all health and it helps the body function. I know the ketogenic diet is great for burning fat away but if you are like Cassey and don’t need to burn fat these snacks are great for maintaining your overall health. I didn’t want to get into a debate or anything. As I said – these snacks are amazing. Sorry if I came across as hostile 🙂
This week i will workout 5 times per week and drink green smoothies every morning
(time to back on track)
what is the name of the song for 5 snack ideas?
This week, I’m gonna only snack on vegetables.
Have you ever heard of cotton candy plums??? They are literally the gems of the world–I have to get cotton candy grapes too! I love apple donuts and banana sushi too!
Yuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Banana sushi looks good!
Lennae xxx
Hi Cassey I love your videos and watching them/ doing them every week as much as I can. Recently i’ve begun having a healthier lifestyle, drinking or water, eating better and trying to exercise as much as I can as my formal is recently coming up and I would love to loos my pesky stomach fat so I can look rockin’ in my dress and not only that but also feel physically and mentally better. Ever since starting this healthier lifestyle which you are helping me with, my struggle with depression and anxiety have decreased and I feel much better now at all time, even though I still have a long way to go its great knowing that i’m actually working to change this.
Hi Cassey
I love your videos and specially the calendars.
My goal is to do yoga after my workouts everyday this week.
I totally agree with you that weight is just a number .. Since I started working out a month ago I only lost 2 lb. on the scale but lost 3 inches off my waist and I feel stronger with better muscles.
With Love from Egypt.
Hey Cassie,
I love your new turbo workouts! They are perfect for me. I had a random question. After every butt workout, you have a stretch, but not after leg and abs workouts. I know how to stretch my leg from previous years of taking Ballet, but what is a good stretch for the abs? Also is there a chance you could do a turbo work out for inner thighs? Once again thank you for all you do!
The bridge is a good ab stretch!
My goal is to ditch snacks for the healthy options above. Cassy you are truly an inspiration,at 55 I was ashamed of my body and thought nothing would improve it at my age but I have been exercising 4 or 5 nights a week for the past 3 months and have noticed such a change in my body and it’s made me feel so much better about myself so thank you Cassy xx
Hi everyone!
I am going to walk for 30min each day this week, its 3 am and I just went for one because I couldnt sleep. Cassey is inpiration though when feeling down. xx
My goal is to worry less about my weight / eating less and more about eating healthy and working out consistently. I’m going to work out for at least twenty minutes at least four days a week and always drink before I eat and work hard to distinguish a craving from hunger.
I would love to see you make a #cheapcleaneats video on some mason jar salads! I am loving salads at the moment. I never thought I could eat a salad with fruit in it…the thought was weird at first but now I’m loving it. Thanks!
Great tips! Setting small goals every week and trying to make positive changes slowly but surely 🙂
Hi cass! Ur such a great help! Thank you very much! I’m forming some muscles after trying some of ur workouts !for only 3 days! Awesome! A million thanks! Anyways, i just wanna ask cass if its ok for me to try any of your workout routines even if i have my period?
Definitely! Just, if you wear a pad, be careful with certain leg moves, like scissors, or stuff like that.
Hi Cassey,
I love your videos and I try to do some now and again. I have a couple of suggestions to you, if you want inspiration on what workout series to do next.
I’m pregnant, super happy about it, but my first trimester nausea is not really encouraging me to work out. I like that your videos are to up beat music, but perhaps you could do a series with a bit calmer work outs, both for us who are pregnant, and for people that just want to stress down a bit. For the nausea it would also be god with workouts where the upper body is moving as little as possible (like this workout you posted on Monday 14th). Also the movement could be focused on muscles you need during your pregnancy, like back muscles. And perhaps no sit ups, since the belly get’s in the way 😉
I’m holding my thumbs that this will com up during my pregnancy 😉
With love
Ooooh! I second this (kind of). I would LOVE for Cassey to make more stretching/yoga videos for after working out! Her calendar NEVER adds those (except fridays) but it’s so important to get your stretch on afterwards.
I mean, granted, I just pick one out, but I definitely want more variety in that department.
I love mini goals like these! ♥♥ My currently goal is to drink 3l of water a day and sweat everyday. I also started to follow your callendar, and I already feel the results, because I used to focus on legs and abs only, and with your calendar I workout everything :))
You’re an angel Cassie, thank you for being this amazing person, i wish I could hug you <3 Kisses from Brazil, and sorry my english! haha
I love setting little mini goals each week. Very helpful – and those berries look great 🙂
I am obsessed with cotton candy grapes!! I’ve had them for dessert every night this week. Perfect replacement for my starburst addiction. I’ve been wondering if there were any simple recipes I could do with them because they are amazing. Also still waiting for the day they discover how to make organic kiwi strawberry-flavored strawberries.
Do the splits by Christmas!
Thanks for the butt and obliques workouts Cassey! Also I’m looking forward to trying the Graze boxes too. You’re the best!
Cassey, thanks so much for this, this really speaks to me. I used to have anorexia and I am still struggling with atypical anorexia now, but I seriously hate my weight. I know it’s irrational, because my weight is technically a healthy weight, but I can’t help it. My mum has even threatened to throw my scales out but I begged her not to. Just on Sunday I had a huge breakdown and have reduced my food intake severely these last few days. I can’t guarantee anything, but I will definitely TRY to make a non-weight-related goal now =]
Stay strong! <3
You can do it!
Totally agree with this view. I think a number is just a number whether it be on your clothes or the scales. But if you do healthy things your body will follow into a healthier state that it’s happy to be in! 🙂
I’ve been doing your beginner’s calendar and while I’m not overweight, I recently found myself at my highest weight ever after getting the bc implant in my arm. I felt bloated and a lot of it seemed to be around my middle. I started a myfitnesspal account and realized I was eating A LOT of sodium, no chips or anything, but in salad toppings (olives!) and in things like chicken broth. I cut it out and lost 1.5 inches off my waist in five days. So my goals for this month is reduce the salt and no seconds on dinner. I hope this inspires somebody else because I was definitely feeling upset and frustrated, and I can’t go off this type of bc method because of migraines / stroke risk. Oh, and I hid the scale for awhile because it wasn’t really helping.
Love this post!!
Fitness shouldn’t be about doing it for a certain period of time and then thinking you’re at a specific benchmark but emphasizing the healthy living. What’s the point of living “healthy until..”
Why wouldn’t we want to live healthy all the time?
Love that you vibe that off all the time! Amazing post and recipe ideas!
YES! Love this post! I also keep in mind that it’s my mind that is craving that bad body and stomach actually doesn’t want that so think of what your BODY wants not your mind 🙂 x
My goal is besides doing the monthly calendar I want to focus on stretching and becoming more flexible!
My goal is to run 20 minutes 3 times a week!
Awesome 3 minute workout videos!! love em!!! I would love some more back exercises :)) Thanks for being such a positive light in this world!
Wait, so do we add this onto Monday’s Workout?
Yup. you can add this to monday’s calender.Usually all the new videos are done on mondays. 🙂
My specific goal is to make my whole body stronger so I can do the activities I want to do without killing myself! I live in Colorado near the Rockies, so there are plenty of gorgeous high altitude trails that I am pretty sure I could not complete. I want to be able to do these, and more!
I just finished the beginners calendar and today was my first Blogilates full workout. It really killed me. But I am really excited to meet the challenges and become stronger and more fit each day I work out. Wish me luck!!
My goal: getting a good night’s rest by sleeping at least 7 hours a day this week =)
No workout is better than one that follows an ample amount of rest haha. I know this, but I tend to put sleep on the back burner.
Another great article Cassey =)
I have been doing blogilates since January (the monthly calendars) but sometimes skipped around and wasn’t always focused. I have lost a lot of weight from 160 to 138, but now gained 6 lb. from muscle. I just started beginners three weeks ago to see if i could stay more focused… and I am. I never in my life thought that i would be getting six pack abs and toned legs. Thank you Cassie for being my inspiration and always smiling 🙂 I am eating better, being more lively, and happy everyday and learning not to have fear of what people think about me. I am excited to start the official calendar next month and be on track. p.s. people you can do it… like Cassie says” it is all in the head”. Lots of love to my fellow popsters.
My goal is to do the monthly calendars for the rest of the year, alternating days (total 3 days). On weekends, I plan to do one day of treadmill course for 30 minutes.
Good luck to everyone else who have set goals for themselves! You CAN do it!!!
I’m sticking to the Beginners 2.0 calendar and completing the videos daily! Today I’m on Day 9! I also picked up a FitBit ChargeHR today, so I’ll get that up and going. They’re expensive but things like this, that give me visuals of progress, make me want to do better every day 🙂
PS – squeezing that Turbo Butt workout into my videos tomorrow!! (I say that now, but it’ll probably be today. Once I start I sort of want to keep going and usually throw in a short video, at the end of the suggested videos)
(Yup, ended up doing the Turbo Butt video tonight haha knew it!!)
My resolution:
I want to change my eating habits to a healthier eating habits. Low intake of carbs, especially rice, high protein, eat more veggies & fruits plus I should dump the habits of eating mentos sweets. Slowly reduce coffee intake and try to drink more waters & green tea. I also need to make sure I exercise an hour & follow blogilates video 3 times a week.
You are my inspiration Casey.. Thank you.
I can’t wait to try the 3 min butt shper!
I will make time to do at least 2 blogilates videos everyday this week. I’m also going to drink at least 3l of water!
I love you so much, Cassey. Lots of love from Romania <3
My goal is to work out as soon as I get home from work every day and not put it off.
Love you Cassey! <3
That’s what I’ve been doing. Sitting down and getting comfortable isn’t a good idea for me. Makes it hard to get up and do the videos later.
I think thats the biggest struggle ever, you get home really tired and without the proper motivation you can easily lost focus.