4 min to a Hot Body Workout

4 min to a Hot Body Workout

Sweat Time: —

Equipment Needed:

Workout Type:

Body Focus:



(0 ratings)



Hey guys!

Thanks so much for all of your kind words on my last post. I felt like I was kind of all over the place but I’m glad I made sense. Haha!

Anyway – I just released a new workout video called “4 min HOT BODY”. This workout is legit SO HARD!!! Oh my goodness.

Funny story. So the beat of this song was kind of slow, so I decided to do the combo to the song DOUBLE TIME meaning I was going twice as fast as the beat. We were filming and then at 1 min and 16 sec of the 4 min song, I collapsed and screamed “I CAN’T!!!”

Hahaha. It was waaaayyyyy too fast for any human being ever.

So then we refilmed at the regular tempo for 4 min and though I was still dying, it was humanly possible.

So anyway, give the video a try. It works your whole body and incorporates the “up up down down”, the “hip twist” and a “plank jack.”

Also, I wanted to share a beautiful painting my friend Daniel “Daekazu” made for me! It’s me in cartoon form!


We wanted to incorporate the message “Don’t forget to smile” here because I feel like sometimes people stress over life and forget that we’re all here to help make each other happy. So do the best you can do make your laughter and your positivity contagious. Smile at someone and make their day 🙂

Also, not sure if you noticed, but here is the original photo that was taken a couple weeks ago! I am so in love with his artwork. Do you have any special requests that you want to see him draw? Like a girl in a yoga pose? A girl running? Come up with some cool ideas with quotes in the comments and maybe we can collaborate and make something awesome together.


Also, I cannot believe September is 1 week away!!!! AHH! This also means the new September workout calendar is coming up. What do you think it should be called? I am currently writing out your custom 4 week plan right now.

BE SURE that you’re signed up for my free newsletter to get the calendar emailed to you with the secret password. I’m sending it out 1 day before Sept 1st.

Love you!

<3 Cassey

PS – Yay I blogged again. Such an accomplishment haha.

.: OUTFIT :.

Top: Such a Diva Tank

Shorts: Booty Pop Hot Short

.: SONG :.

Next Life by Bella Saona

40 thoughts on “4 min to a Hot Body Workout”

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  1. Sarah says:

    Hey guys! Just did this workout for MARCHofthepopsters! I was wondering if anyone else had trouble breathing while doing the hip twists? I know I can sub it for push ups, but wanted to know if I was doing it wrong. Thanks!

  2. Tam says:

    I’m kind surprised at the criticism of the cartoon drawing. Cassey, it is sooo pretty, very beautifully done. I wish I could have someone do that for me.

  3. Anna from Brazil says:

    hey Sweet Casey ! How about some pregnancy friendly pop pilates video (or maybe a series???) Please, I love your videos but since I found out the news I’m on a break (since they are quite intense!!) but missing it a lot!! pls pls pls!!! xoxo

  4. Biev says:

    I like Septemburn as well. And I was upset by how your friend remade you as a barbie doll. But thank you for posting the original photo.

  5. Janet Link says:

    Cassy!! Where did you get that adorable bathing suit in your beach pic? SO CUTE!!!

  6. jazmine says:

    Ready… SETember, GO!!

  7. julissa says:

    Cassie! You should totally do a bloopers contemplation. I love you!

    1. julissa says:


  8. Sk says:

    I like Strength-tember. It sounds powerful, and that’s the point of all this, right? To empower ourselves? To feel strong and beautiful? I just feel like “Strength-tember” completely embodies what we are working for.

  9. Mary says:

    Hi! I have a question. What if you fall and hurt your knees and when you work out it really hurts? What do you do then?

  10. Lynn says:

    Cassey, you’re such an inspiration to me!

  11. madelyn says:

    You should call it SEPTEMBURN!!!

  12. Jean Walter says:

    Hi Cassey! I tried your workout video and it’s easy. Well, I just have to go a little slower. Haha! Oooh, and nice drawing. Smile!! 🙂

  13. Vicky says:

    Strengthtember sounds great 🙂

  14. Angela says:

    Awesome workout 🙂 i love the picture and the painting… to everyone who is offended by his style of painting… don’t be. Art blooms the way that it blooms and it turned out beautiful, so just appreciate 🙂 Would you be offended if it were you? I see it as a really neat re-creation. Be positive! See the good intentions in it’s stitching, just like we should see ourselves and each other!

    I haven’t any cool September names, which is good b/c you’re gonna have a hard enough time as it is choosing from those creative ones already offered. 🙂

    Love you Cassey! Sweet sleep tonight!

  15. Veronica says:

    Such a gorgeous painting! Anyway real Cassey looks way more beautiful <3
    It would be nice if september calendar would be more focused on cardio and upper body! Girls, we need to be strong!! 😉

  16. Yana says:

    What about Smiletember! Because in the end of the month I will be smiling with my new toned body 🙂

  17. Stephanie says:

    If there are some videos that incorporate stretching and/or yoga moves, it could be Sept-limber.

  18. Beautiful painting! I see the resemblance :). I would love to see him draw a runner crossing a finish line that says, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

  19. Tiffany says:

    The painting is nice, but I can’t help but notice your already small waist is significantly smaller in the painting. Just saying 🙂

  20. Ashley says:

    Strengthtember could work too, and I saw someone post Sculptember.

  21. Aurelia says:

    Sweatember was last year, right!?
    hm…. maybe Abtember? i really what to shape my waist area more!!!
    the hot body workout was sooo hard!!! but i love these combo moves!!!
    love you!!!

  22. Aurelia says:

    Sweatember was last year, right!?
    hm…. maybe Abtember? i really what to shape my waist area more!!!
    the hot body workout was sooo hard!!! but i love this combo moves!!!
    love you!!!

  23. Steph says:

    Ooohhhhoooo I like SWEATember! Or how about Step-it-up-tember!

  24. “Septemburn”

    I’m excited for September calendar because its my birth month!

    Also, Cassey, can you design a bikini which can be good for small chests (yeah I got one). I think the twisted tops fits me well.

  25. Eveline says:

    OMG was that a hard work out! I was soo scared to start but it was worth it! I am also really siked to see what we are going to do in september, I can’t wait! 😀

  26. Ashley says:

    So, since I had already done some upper body work yesterday before I did this video, oh my was this hard. You always know that if it’s only a few minutes long, it’s gonna be intense! =) Anyway, thank you for the awesome video! Maybe for the September calendar you could do “Soretember?” I don’t know, just a thought. =D Take care of yourself, Cassey, and make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep! As someone with tendencies toward insomnia, I know how difficult it can be, but you’ve definitely worked hard for it! =)
    Love ya girl!

  27. that workout looks really hard!

  28. Claudia says:

    The best suggestions I’ve seen are Sculptember and Soretember!

    1. Vanessa says:

      Sculptember sounds awesome! 🙂

  29. Taylor says:

    Easy! September to Smile!

  30. Caro says:

    Hi Cassey! It’d be awesome to see a blooper real if you have one!

  31. I actually did your challenge and for like, 15 seconds I did the exercise double time! I think you should vary your tempo so that it goes fast and then slow. 🙂

    September should be called “SWEATember!”

  32. Weronika says:

    Hi cassey that workout had killed me, but I felt so powerful after it 🙂

    I think you should call the calendar sculptember 🙂

    oh.. and that drawing its so amazing 🙂 your friend is so talented, same as you 🙂

    Love you <3

  33. Kathy says:

    Very pretty drawing and wonderful message! I know that artist, I guess. I think i saw his drawings 🙂

    Yeah, time is passing by quickly. Can’t believe my birthday is on Friday next week already… Again another year older XD

  34. Salome says:

    Hmmm Cassey, what about Septacularember or Septuousember? Hahaha I know it doesn’t mean anything but it still could work 🙂 love you Cassey <3 Have a fabulous day.

  35. lena says:

    beings… sorry for the mistake. and i really want to add that i love the original picture!!!

  36. lena says:

    i’d like him to draw human bringe not Barbies! Looks like the target model.

  37. lynsey says:

    Keep going girl! You inspire with awesomeness! Xx