Insane Abs, Butt, & Legs Workout!

Insane Abs, Butt, & Legs Workout!

Sweat Time:

Equipment Needed:

Workout Type:

Body Focus:



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Hey guys!

I just got back from Punta Cana after a week long vacation. I hope you were following along on snapchat (blogilates) for all the juicy goods! Mermaid pools, mini donuts, fire dancers, and beaches galore! It was so much fun! Though the weeklong vacation was relaxing, I’m extremely tired right now because last night my bed was an airport bench. The first U.S. Airways flight got delayed and that brought on a whole slew of problems. It was frustrating because no one seemed to want to help all the stranded passengers. But you know what? I took a nice long shower once I made it home after 27 hours of travel and I am feeling much better!

Before we get into the vacay recap (I’ll share cool pics and stories tomorrow), here’s your new Monday video on the #FABruary Workout Calendar! Crazy Abs, Butt, and Legs! And girl…it is CURAZAY alright!

The first segment focuses on your lower abs and quads with leg outs. Be sure to pull your knees up and in to your lower abs for the most effective movement. Keep your knees and toes together. If your lower back or hip flexors hurt, you can place your forearms on the mat behind you and lay your lower back on the mat too. Keep your mid to upper back off the ground, chest lifted. (The same position we are in for corkscrew.)

The second portion is just madness. The first time I have ever tried this combo was in this video. Umm. I don’t know if you can tell, BUT I AM DYINGGGGGG!!!! Having triangle butts paired with mini circles is certain death for your thighs and glutes. If at any point you feel like you cannot keep going (and that is totally ok) then lay down on your side and complete the moves.

Try your best guys! This video is not easy. But I made it for you because I know you can handle it. You’re getting stronger every day.

Oh and great news! You know my newest DVD which is in Target now? I know a bunch of you could not find it or it was sold out, so I am happy to announce that you will be able to get POP Pilates: Flat Abs Fast! on Amazon and on tonight!

I will let you know when it is ready!




PS: How are you doing on the #30daybuttlift Challenge? Looks like a lot of you are on track and crushing it! If you haven’t joined in yet, click here to get the calendar and print it for free.

19 thoughts on “Insane Abs, Butt, & Legs Workout!”

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  1. ANUSHREE says:

    Is it good for teenagers ?

  2. Aisha says:

    for these exercises you do them once a day, but if you feel it’s not enough you can always do it more often throughout the day

  3. Pamela says:

    Ouch! I wonder if I will be able to walk tomorrow?

  4. Lina says:

    Somehow this combo really goes on my hip joints, any tips?

  5. Kailey says:

    My Favourite quote is this:
    Don’t let the world change your smile. Let your smile change the world! 🙂
    Thanks for your videos Cassey!!! They really help!

  6. Kailey says:

    My Favourite quote is this:
    Don’t let the world change your smile. Let your smile change the world! 🙂
    Thanks for your videos Cassey!!! They really help!!!

  7. Miguelina says:

    I can’t believe that you was in my country and I didn’t know it
    T.T you look great! ♥

  8. Cassie says:

    Hi Cassey! You make workouts look really fun! You are such a positive person! I saw some of your videos, (I’m new on the blog, I did some of the workouts, like this one), and I was wondering about the frequency of the workouts, should I do it once a week or twice maybe, what do you recommend?
    Thanks anyway! You’re doing a great job!

  9. Karola says:

    Hey Cassie. I’ve been training with you for the past two weeks and I’ve already lost some weight and toned my body, so thank you so much for that. <3 love you <3
    I have this very random question- how tall are you ? (yeah, I know it's really weird) 😀

  10. Madeline says:

    So excited, will try this tonight! I was looking for a new one, I love the ultimate work out for abs, arms, butt and inner thigh but this is a nice change 🙂

  11. This workout is amazing!! I have been using machines the last few weeks on legs, and I just find it so much less satisfying since it doesn’t target all the small little muscles as well. These moves are going to hit my legs 360 degrees!! Perfect, because it’s SHORTS weather in Cali!! <3

    Latest Post: Spiral into Fit – I Spiralized Every Meal For a Day!

  12. Cassie says:

    Thanks for the DVD! Hope you had a lovely vacay and let us know in another post all about it!

  13. Amalie says:

    So I know you already finished the 6 minute series, but it would be so cool if you made a 6 minutes to a sexy back workout! Any workout is good though, you always make it so much fun!

  14. Amalie says:

    Cassey, I know you’ve already finished your “6 minutes to sexy -” series, but it would be so cool if you made a 6 minutes to a sexy back video, since you never made one! Any workout is good though!

  15. charlotte says:

    SUPER excited to try this today, love working my thighs and butt

  16. Emily says:

    30 day butlift challenge- I’m doing prette well 🙂 I have already done day 16 🙂

  17. Nancy says:

    Hi I have a question I just don’t know where to post it I was wondering if doing the wraps at night then taking it off in the morning are bad to do I keep hearing mix answers about this so I’m just curious thank you 🙂

  18. I’m going to try to do the second half of the video with a weight on my saddlebag!